Moon Banquet approaches!


23 chaps ahead on Pat.reon:

You have all failed spectacularly on getting the stones for another chapter, you'll just have to wait for tomorrow! Tsk Tsk

Here's another challenge, if you can get this to the top 5 before I go to sleep, I will post another chap. Heh, good luck, time Is ticking....


After the celebration party.

Hiro and Joichiro were in the kitchen alone, pumping out dishes crazily, intent on seeing who won. They were constantly improving and topping the other, there was so much food coming out of the kitchen, the dorm couldn't handle it and made a notice that there was extra food for anyone who wanted to come to Polar Star dorm and have a meal.

Hours later

There were students and students lined up to eat, they were all talking about laughing as they each carried a different dish in their hands, Fumio laid out a table spread and everyone took what they liked.

There were so many people, you would think it was orientation all over again!

Days and days passed

Hiro challenged the fifth seat for his knife and won. Apparently, Stagiaires weren't a thing yet! That left Hiro with more than enough time to challenge more seats. He was currently 4th, but his goal was naturally 1st, there can be only one Patissier!


Speaking of the Patissier, he was quite worked up about it. He wanted to be the best chef in the world, not only because he was here, but because that's what Zerotwo deserved!

He didn't care much for the 'gender roles' they both cook, they don't really have to clean, and at the end of the day they bang. Very simple.

Zerotwo liked cooking, as she thought it was fun and she liked the way Hiro looked at her when she cooked. It was a good feeling and she wasn't going to give it up, but even she knew that she wasn't as good as him. She was working hard to change that though, hence the split up a while ago.

There were some things that were still weighing on her mind however...

Though she couldn't voice them because it all depended on Hiro, she hoped that he would do what she was expecting...

Of course, Hiro never knew what she was thinking, nor could he do something that she wanted him to do if she never told him, but he had a few plans in motion. But those were all for later, he was trying to complete his goals at Totsuki first.

As for Elite Ten meetings... Heh

What was that?

Can you eat it?

None of the 4 even bothered to show up, so there were only 3 people showing up. Since Hiro took the 5th seat's knife, he was booted out of the Elite Ten and everyone under him moved up a rank, placing Joichiro 5th, Zerotwo 6th, and Gin 7th.

Funnily, Mana wasn't actually a student!

She was at the orientation because Senzaemon was her dad, then she met Zerotwo and tagged along. Nobody said anything because it was Senzaemon's daughter and they would sooner expel an innocent chef then tell Mana what to do.

Are you crazy?

The little golden egg had the God Tongue, not to mention, Senzaemon spoils her like crazy.

These teachers were world class chefs, not adrenaline junkies. The thought of scolding Mana, didn't give them the rush they needed.

Senzaemon found out and told her that she couldn't just BE in the school, she pouted and Senzaemon almost faltered, thankfully she gave up and agreed, which was excellent for Senzaemon, because if he was being honest, he didn't know how long he could keep up the stern look.

His son looked at his sister and his father before shaking his head and sighing "What a wet rag..." before getting a swift kick in the ass and jumping nearly 10 meters in the air.


That was a while ago.

In the present.

Hiro was sitting on a stool and staring at a bunch of ingredients, when Joichiro ran in and showed him a flyer, saying "Dude! Moon Banquet festival!" Hiro mumbled "Already?" Joichiro nodded and grabbed a piece of beef jerky, sitting on the counter as he said "Together or alone?"

Hiro mumbled "You want to do together? Then what's the point..." Joichiro chuckled and said "Yeah, but it'll be fun!" Hiro smiled and said "4 seats coming together... That sounds like over kill." Joichiro laughed and nibbled on the jerky, before adding "Plus, it's been a while since we worked together. This is for the people since almost all of the students will be working, only the townspeople are going to come..."

Hiro said "Cheap and delicious food.... Moon Banquet... What about Moon Cakes? Everybody likes Moon Cakes, plus, the kids will enjoy the different shapes and sizes." Joichiro said "Chinese? Speaking of which... The Moon Festival already passed, didn't it?"

Hiro shrugged and said "I don't even know what day it is... Let alone the month." Joichiro chuckled and replied "It's like October... I think..." Hiro laughed and said "Close enough!"

Joichiro laughed and said "So street stall?"

Hiro gave him a thumbs up and Joichiro left, saying "I got Gin, we'll go get a stall." Hiro added "Oh! Get a good one! Right at the front! We have to win! 1st or last!" Joichiro gave him a thumbs up and disappeared.

Hiro flipped out his cellphone and called Zerotwo, saying "My little goddess~ Are you awake?" Zerotwo's voice came "Mhm..." Hiro chuckled and said "What a lazy woman, good thing you're pretty. Tsk Tsk." she giggled and said lazily "Mmm, why is Husband calling?"

Hiro heard her tossing and turning in the bed and smiled softly "We're teaming up with Jo and Gin for the Moon Banquet, I think we should do Moon Cakes." she hummed "I looooooove~ Moon Cakes..." he chuckled "I know, we'll sneak some one the side." she giggled and said "Now, you woke me up, Darling~ You have to take responsibility~"

He started heating up and grinned "On my way." she giggled and hung up. He grinned and walked up the stairs with an evil smile.