Gentle as the Moon Goddess!


23 chaps ahead on Pat.reon:

Give me your stones or.... idk... I squirrel will eat your genitals.


A while later

The 4 convened in the kitchen and talked about what they were going to make. Hiro made a plate of fluffy Moon Pancakes with burned designs on them, saying "The red bean sauce is in the middle and it's not as hard as a normal Moon Cake."

They tried the double pancakes with paste inside and licked their lips, it was good but it needed something more...

Joichiro frowned and said "What about jam instead?" Hiro blinked and said "I'm not chinese... but isn't the point of the Moon Cake the red bean paste?" Joirchiro said "So? Who cares?" Hiro gawked for a moment before mumbling "Yeah, I guess so..."

Zerotwo's eyes lit up and she said "Wah! We can do a bunch of flavors! Red Beans, a tarty mixed berry jam, a nut blend, wheat Pancakes with oatmeal..." she went on and on, spitting flavors out line a machine, stunning Gin, who had yet to have any lines this chapter.

He finally said "I think the nut blend would be nice..." Joichiro clapped and said "There's 4 of us, each of us are in charge of making the filling and Pancakes and we'll rotate in to actually prepare them, yeah?"

The other 3 had no problems with this and Gin said "It's only a few days away, we have enough time to practice." Zerotwo said "What's the price?" Hiro said immediately "200 Yen." the other three looked at him with their mouth's open wide, Joichiro said "200 YEN?!" Gin said, concerned, "Isn't that too little?"

Hiro replied "It's around 2$, plus Moon Cakes are supposed to be spread between family members as a sign of unity. Remember, even though it's cheap, we're right at the front, everyone that walks in is going to see our stall. They're coming with children, elderly, family, loved ones... A family of 4-5 isn't going to buy even one if they're 10$. Though, making them more expensive will get us 'more money' it won't be more in the long run. Just there with a family of 5, we would've gotten 10$ from them alone. How many people are coming in? The Moon Pancakes are a light snack, to whet their taste buds before they go and enjoy other foods, the cheaper it is, the more people, eventually, they'll leave and pass by again."

Hiro grinned evilly "We'll catch them all twice, 4$ a person for 2 Moon Pancakes, every single person that walks in... Hehe~ We can even push the price to 3$ and say kids get them for free."

They gasped again, Zerotwo covered her mouth and looked at Hiro with a peculiar light flashing in her eyes, she took out her phone and started texting furiously. Joichiro said "What a shrewd guy!" Gin nodded, adding "You wouldn't think by looking at him, but he's actually, quite the evil guy!"

Joichiro nodded "Yeah he looks like a woman." Hiro choked on his laughter and glared "What did you say about me, edgelord?" Joichiro sneered "You. Look. Like. A. Woman." Hiro pulled out a meat cleaver and chased Joichiro around the dorm, as Joichiro ran and laughed.

Too bad he was caught and chopped up, everyone enjoyed Joichiro Soup that night and they never found the body.




Hiro went back to the kitchen and Gin was talking to Zerotwo about the different flavors, she explained patiently but stressed that they should have the dorm residents try ALL the flavors before they decide on which 4 they will choose.

Gin agreed and started making the Moon Pancakes. Joichiro came back and started as well, Hiro was teaching them how to make the Pancakes tougher and fluffier than usual, since there was filling going inside them.

The Pancakes had to be thick and stretchy enough to hold in the filling, but thin and crunchy enough to be enjoyed without getting too much of a fluffy pancake flavor.

In short the ratio had to be just right or the entire Pancake was worthless and could only be fed to dogs.

They 3 were struggling and Hiro just showed them how to make them, the Pancakes were near translucent with a light pink middle and golden edges. They were stunned and looked at Hiro in shock, he frowned "What?"

Joichiro gulped and said "That's..." Gin said for him "Too beautiful!" Zerotwo giggled and looked at Hiro sweetly, Joichiro shook his head and said "Seriously Hiro, I severely underestimated you. To think you could make something as beautiful as this. I'm honestly shocked." Hiro blinked and said embarrassingly "Well, I'm a Patissier so..."

Joichiro and Gin replied honestly "You could've fooled us." Hiro rolled his eyes and said "Taste it." as he split it into 4 pieces. They held them up and looked at the filling, it was slowly moving down from the force of gravity, but was slow as molasses.

It was actually, beautiful to look at, the way the filling glittered under the light as it dragged to the edge, it was warm but held it's shape perfectly. They bit into the middle and their eyes widened, Zerotwo's eyes turned into crescents and she smiled happily.

Joichiro and Gin were stunned, this flavor!

They felt like they were on the moon but it was gentle and warm as they were guided to a palace with a heavenly beauty, laying on a bed elegantly, smiling warmly at them.

The Pancake was light but complimented the filling perfectly, it was soft and fluffy. They bot into the golden ring and the crunch hit their taste buds, sending them into a daze. It was amazing! Out of this world flavor!

If they had to describe the Moon Cakes, it would be 'Gentle as the Moon Goddess!'

They came back to reality and looked at Hiro, who licked his fingers, Joichiro said "Holy fuck! That was amazing!" Gin said seriously "Teach us!" Hiro's mouth twitched into a smile and he nodded, Zerotwo looked at him lovingly and they all started learning from Hiro how to make true Moon Pancakes.