We must be perfect!


25 chaps ahead on Pat.reon: pat.reon.com/MonkeyGodking

Give me your stones... Basically if you don't you'll be damn to hell for eternity.


What followed was a 3 day intense training session on how to make the perfect pancake. Of course, the translucent ones were BARELY able to be made by the 3, Joichiro came close and Hiro was stunned before mumbling "Geniuses... Damn."

The days passed in a flash.

The group rolled out a big enough stall in the morning of the first day, very early. They started setting everything up just like all the other students.

The 4 waiting until 10 minutes before the gates opened and started prepping at that time. Just as the gates opened, the pancakes hit the grills and a delicious smell wafted from their stand, attracting the people immediately.

The students around were stunned and cursed before starting themselves.

Hiro cooked his Pancakes and seared a little rabbit in the middle of his Pancakes, some had crescent moons, flowers, dragons, etc.

The customers were drawn to the shop and looked at the Moon Pancakes with wide eyes. Hiro was at the front to attract more people with his amazing cooking and Zerotwo was right next to him, looking extra pretty to lure men over with her looks.

They were working like a well oiled machine.

Using all sorts of tactics to drag people to their stall, they were expecting a massive amount of customers and their hands never stopped moving.

Hiro handled his pancakes and put them in little paper bags with a crescent moon and a Goddess, laying lazily on it, design on the front. He smiled and collected the money from all the people while cooking, thanking them and pointing them in the direction of stalls and restaurants he thought were very good.

They immediately had a favorable impression of the Moon Pancake stand and more people came over with their children.

Hiro smiled kindly and catered to the kid's wants, searing intricate designs on the pancakes with little effort, making the kids look at him with awe. The parents were happy and the stand had a 99% Customer rate.

Out of 100 people that walked in, 99 of them bought a Moon Pancake on their way into the venue. Hiro was silently disappointed, that 1 missing person added up in the end! He wanted them all!

After all, thousands of people were coming in every hour or so, that was hundreds of missing customers! Multiply that number of missed customers by 2 for the price and they were losing hundreds, if not, more than a thousand, dollars!


Hiro said "Turn it up." The 3 blinked and nodded, before changing their movements and making a bigger show, Hiro watched carefully and frowned harder, they were getting the last one, but not every single one.

He did a rough statistic and calculated, they got 995/1000. With fluctuations either higher or lower depending on the age group. Middle aged folk seemed to be the outliers, specifically the ones without kids.

The Elderly, Families, and Children were 100% pull rates, but the young couples/middle aged couples without children or parents, simply only came depending on the mood of their women.

Hiro narrowed his eyes and said "Maneuver H." Zerotwo switched stations with Gin, who took his shirt off and wrapped a twisted cloth around his head with a thick knot. He had a bunch of muscles and Hiro watched as their rate went up to near perfection.


Hiro grinded his teeth, who was it? What group wasn't coming now?

He watched carefully.

He saw Single men, roughly around the ages of 50-60 seldom came.

His mind turned at 1000 mile an hour thinking of a way to pull these people in.

He whistled and a student ran over, saying "Y-Yes?" Hiro threw him a Moon Pancake and said "Go ask Single Men ages 50-60 if they prefer coffee or tea, if Tea, get me a rough survey of either black or green. I want 100 random subjects by the end of today."

The student's eyes flashed "45,000." Hiro replied "30,000 and free Moon Pancakes, within reason." the kid's eyes rolled in their sockets before retorting "35." Hiro said immediately "32." The kid smiled "Deal." before running off.

Hiro continued to cook and watched if his theory was correct.

A while later

Dusk arrived and the people started leaving.

Hiro's tactic worked wonderfully as the people passed by and bought another Moon Pancake for the road, he served them with a kind smile and wished them well, making them happy as they left.

When they were all gone, the kid ran back and Hiro passed him a thick letter with a big box of Moon Pancakes. The kid smiled happily and counted the money before passing Hiro a letter and leaving, saying "Pleasure doing business with you." Hiro nodded and looked at the report.

He slowly grinned and said "Joichiro, get the necessary machines for a mass Tea distribution." Joichiro exhaled a mouthful of smoke and shook his head, chuckling "I thought we did pretty good." Hiro grinned "100% customer rate is good. I want the customers AND the students to line up! I want them all!"

Gin chuckled, Zerotwo smiled, and Joichiro laughed as he said "No problemo~!"