

17 chaps ahead on Pat.reon:

Give me all your stones so we can make it in the top 10, look how low we've fallen what a joke, I'm disappointed. I'll give you a goal. If you can get the fic to number 1 I'll release all the pat.reon chaps I have whenever we get number 1. It could be 20, 30, 50, 100, idc I'll release 'em all


The old man left, completely satisfied with his meal and deal. Hiro sent him off and went back to the restaurant after teasing the woman next door, trying to provoke her to visit for a meal. At this rate of customers... He'll be here for hundreds of years!

Nobody gives new places a chance nowadays!?

Hiro forgot to actually register with the WGO so nobody knew that he was the former 1st seat of Totsuki... They just thought it was a normal restaurant that was built overnight...

Actually, maybe it really WAS these people that was the problem.


His teasing provocation proved to be counter productive as the Bella Maria woman saw Zerotwo and turned to leave. Hiro slapped his forehead as he watched her, his looks truly were a blessing and a curse!

Zerotwo looked at Hiro with pursed lips as he lamented "Who would've expected this outcome? I invited her for a meal, I own a restaurant!" she covered her mouth and laughed, he shook his head and sighed.

Though, this proved successful in making the little wife forget about the slip up earlier in the day!

Joy and Misery come hand in hand!

A few weeks passed

Hiro was sleeping outside with a cup of wine by his foot, they got a few customers every day, he could afford to take a little nap outside, yeah?

Turns out, no.

Zerotwo woke him up and said "We have customers, Darling." Hiro yawned and mumbled "How many could there possibly-" he opened his eyes and looked at the long line, extremely confused.

He picked up his wine cup and said suspiciously "Who put you up to this? Was it that bastard from the Trattoria across the street?!"

The man watching from across the street has his mouth twitch and the customers had their mouths twitch as well, looking at Hiro speechlessly. The man across the street, Matteo, said "Fuck you!" Hiro sneered and returned "You wish, pal!" before walking inside, draining his glass of wine.

They spoke in Italian and the customers chuckled, Matteo swatted the air and clicked his tongue, going back into his restaurant as Zerotwo let the customers inside, not understanding where they came from either.

She settled all the orders immediately and sent them to Hiro, who started preparing quickly while taking sips from the wine cup in front of him. He was moving fast and efficiently, there wasn't a single wasted movement from him as the dishes quickly flew out of the kitchen.

Hiro considered hiring a waitress and having Zerotwo help him in the kitchen, but if he could find a rat that could cook for minimal amounts of food that would be great! It was a shame that they were only in France, or so he heard.

Maybe there were Italian rats?

He thought for a moment while he tossed meat in a pan, before shaking his head. The rats here only worked in Rat Mafias.

What a pity!


The customers were being served quickly and there were really a lot of them, where they came from, how they got here, why they decided to stop, was all a mystery. They said that they had eaten here before and brought others with them this time, but they weren't fooling Hiro, who knew every single person that walked in here.

He memorized them all, which means that someone gave him a boost.

The only person who came to mind was Senzaemon.

It was him, for the record. He advertised the restaurant with a single sentence and boom, customers.

What an influential guy!

Anyway, not that Hiro had more than 2 customers, he didn't need any help. The ball was rolling and soon it would turn into a giant monster and roll over everything. It was easy to get more customers but you had to have some first. The fastest news was mouth to mouth rumors and it spread like a wildfire.

The people who came because of Senzaemon's comment were truly shocked and regretful that they didn't come before. After all, there would only be more and more people! What happens when they have to wait in line for hours just to get in!?

What a shame!

They decided they were gonna come sooner, Hiro left the open times on a signboard outside along with a menu. It was expensive, but good. It was worth the prices!

The people felt like there was no problem here!

If anything, the prices were too low!

But nobody said anything, good things are better if you keep quiet about them. This heavenly feeling the food gave them, nearly made them addicted!

But they didn't want to stop, it was too good!

Moths passed just like this and Hiro was extremely busy with customers basically every second of every day. He was fine though, since he had a break between breakfast and lunch and lunch and dinner. A few hours in between and then after 9 pm the Restaurant was closed.

The people were upset but didn't complain, the boss was a wild man, he'll do anything.

One time a couple gangsters came for protection fees. The boss hit him over the head with a chair and then made his friends eat the chair, the best part was they paid for it after!

What a man!

One day

Giovanni came by with a couple fellows, holding a long box that was completely black, only a little silver insignia in the middle. Giovanni walked inside and called Hiro, who ran over, telling Zerotwo to take over for a while.

The customers cheered, and Hiro said "Watch yourselves." they quieted down and chuckled, Zerotwo was suspicious but pursed her lips into a smile at the cheers. She waved at everyone and walked into the kitchen.

Hiro led Giovanni all the way upstairs and they talked for a bit before Hiro paid him and treated him to a free meal, leaving the Box on his bed. He would rather not see it as he had complete confidence in Giovanni.

Giovanni was happy and brought his people to sit with him, stunning them silly.

In the end, they didn't have a choice and ate a free meal with Giovanni and Hiro, who had tried to brew his own wine. He told the old man that he was the first person to taste it and Giovanni tried it before coughing and giving Hiro a thumbs up, saying "If I was younger, this would be finished easily. It's very strong!"

Hiro smiled and said "My grandfather made it this way. I'm only imitating him." Giovanni sighed in regret, the real this must be better than this! It was a shame, he didn't dwell on the past, seeing that Hiro hinted at his grandpa being gone.

Instead talking about the wedding and getting a time frame of 6 months. He was also invited! He smiled and promised to come, joking that the food better be good. Hiro smiled and said that it wasn't going to be an issue.

They chatted for a bit and Giovanni left, waving goodbye as he did so.

Hiro saw him off and waved before returning to the restaurant and saying happily "I'm gonna be cooking for the rest of the day! I'm sure you guys are thrilled, yeah?" The customers laughed and boo'd him.

He laughed and walked to the kitchen, telling them to politely fuck off.

It didn't look like a high class restaurant at all, it was a very warm atmosphere.

He was a bit concerned about the ratings and Michelin people, but he brushed it off. He figured the quality of the food and cleanliness of the restaurant was the driving force, not the friendly atmosphere.

But who knows? Those critics were strange fellows.