First lesson!


14 chaps ahead on Pat.reon:

Again, I don't have a lot of time to myself anymore. I barely managed to squeeze in another chap. I will not drop the fic but the chapter quantity might go down. Currently, I'm thinking of posting 2 chaps today... It really depends when I have time. I'm sorry.


He threw a skillet on the stove and lightly brushed butter on the entire thing before beating the eggs, there were 4 pans and 3 pots going at once. He prepped all the meats and vegetables separately, cooking them all differently.

In a way that would bring out their absolute best taste.

He seasoned everything and finished beating the eggs.

All the while, explaining what he was doing "This is too advanced for all of you, this requires a talent that I've polished over the years. It's called Ultimate Multitask, I can cook with any number of dishes going at the same time. I was originally the only chef at my restaurant for 8 years, I had to handle everything so something like this isn't too big a deal."

He shook his head and said "Anyway, the different tastes will all be heightened to their maxes, so you're probably wondering 'Won't the Egg be overshined?'. The answer is, Of course! The egg is the main point of the Frittata, it's an Egg dish! If it gets overshadowed, then it's just not a Frittata and congrats, you've made a new dish!"

The students watched closely and Hiro continued "The problem with the Stars in the frittata is naturally that they all have different and string flavors! The Egg can't fight back if it's been ganged up on by all these different ingredients, so we can only give it a little boost!"

He brought the scrambled egg to the counter and poured in some milk before sprinkling salt and beating it at a moderate pace.

Soma asked "Milk?" Hiro nodded "Yup! Not only does it bring out the flavor of the Egg but it also makes the Eggs fluffier and fuller." He put the bowl down and grabbed the rest of the ingredients, dicing them up into tiny, tiny, tiny, stars. He poured in the egg but just a little bit before sprinkling a handful of stars, then pouring egg again and repeating the process until all the egg and ingredients were gone!

Hiro smiled and said "This is also an important step. You have to get the timing perfectly or else all your effort will be for nothing! The eggs must be cooked all the way through, but not too much! They can't run at all or else the structure of the Frittata will be compromised! If you're building a house, are you just gonna skip over the foundations? Of course not! That's the most important part!"

He shook his head and added "In Nunavut there's perma frost on the ground, so they have to drill into the ground just to put a house there, or else it'll just slide away." the students were stunned and Soma laughed, Hiro smiled and took a plate, covering the skillet before flipping it over.

He pulled the Skillet off and revealed a sparkling Frittata with little stars on it.

The students were rooted on the spot, looking at how beautiful a simple Frittata was! They looked at Hiro in shock and he smiled "Presentation is also a part of being a chef, if something doesn't look good, even if it tastes good, you won't want to eat it."

He put the plate down and counted students before cutting a slice for each of them saying "Come on, what are you waiting for? Come try!" They swallowed and walked forward, Soma was ahead of them, dragging Megumi along before grabbing 2 pieces.

He gave one to Megumi before looking at the slice of Frittata in his hands. It sparkled like the galaxy! Not only that! But he could hold it like a pizza and it wasn't falling apart!

It wasn't that it was burnt! It was all yellow, all the way through and around! There wasn't even a dark gold spot! Soma was stunned and bit into the tip, he was suddenly stunned and looked to be in a daze.

He was brought to the same place as Hiro but this time, he was floating around a giant Egg planet! The stars shot across the space landscape, forming almost a ring of shooting stars around the egg! He moved to the egg and touched it before it opened for him, bringing him to an egg wonderland with beautiful stars glittering in the sky, shining on him and warming him up from the inside out.

He came back from his daze and looked at Hiro in shock before getting really excited as he said "Teacher! What's your name!" Hiro smiled and said "Hiro." The students all froze and looked at Hiro with bulging eggs, only kid's eyes popped out of his head and rolled away, out of the classroom.

He was now permanently blind.


Soma said "Teacher... Can we fight?" Hiro was stunned and the rest of the class sucked in a cold breath of air! Do you know who that is, man?! Hiro chuckled and scratched his stubble feeling nostalgic. He smiled and said "Sure. But, later..." he look at his watch and shivered "I gotta go home, my wife is gonna kill me."

The students were stunned as Hiro ran out, saying "Soma and Megumi, pass with an A! The B's also pass, the rest of you fail! Don't forget the taste and process over the dish you had today! It's a very valuable lesson!"

They watched Hiro disappear and looked at each other before shaking their heads.

Soma was in his thoughts and Megumi looked at the half-eaten Frittata in front of her with a dazed look on her face.

A while later

Hiro rushed into the restaurant and caught a glimpse of Zerotwo sitting on a stool waiting for him, he started sweating and said sweetly "My wonder, beautiful, delicate, gentle, loving, understanding, kind, warm, and saintess wife, I'm back!" he walked over cautiously with a fawning expression, she glanced at him and pursed her lips, looking at the clock on the wall.

He quickly stepped in front of her gaze and smiled "How are you?" She giggled and said "You're late, DARLING." Hiro swallowed and forced a smile, saying "Am I? Hehe..."