First time Judging!


13 chaps ahead on pat.reon:

Give me all your stones please.


A few days passed

Hiro was teaching in his class and just finished when Senzaemon called him and told him to go judge a Shokugeki.

Hiro was stunned and complained "You don't pay me enough for this!" Senzaemon replied "You're getting paid?" Hiro was stunned and Senzaemon chuckled before saying "You better get there fast, these things take time... I think you'll be late getting home if you-" Hiro cut him off and said "I'll be there! I'm on my way!"

Senzaemon burst out laughing and hung up.

Hiro shivered as he remembered the last time he was late. He ran to the Shokugeki arena.

*** Flashback ***

Hiro gulped and looked at Zerotwo, who said "Yes, you are." Hiro looked around and said "It was the old man! He held me back! UwU, Honey, you have to get me justice! That old man worked me like a dog! It was all him, how could I bear not being without you!?"

She tilted her head at him and he started sweating so hard he almost started crying. She pulled out a washboard and mumbled "Ao said this should work..." Hiro jumped and said "No need for the washboard! Anything but that!" she said "This or you sleep on the couch tonight."

Hiro looked to be struggling internally, she narrowed her eyes and Hiro wilted, saying weakly "Give me the washboard..." she smiled happily and gave it to him. Hiro sniffed and shed a few tears before kneeling on the washboard.

He chanted in his mind 'Happy wife gives a happy life, Happy wife gives a happy life. Happy wife gives a happy life...' Zerotwo looked at him and she couldn't bear his pitiful expression, he pouted at her and she looked away saying "This hurts me more than it hurts you, Darling." as she wiped the years in her eyes with sorrow.

Hiro almost coughed out blood and died.

*** End ***

He barged into the Shokugeki arena and the students looked at him. He coughed and said "What are you brats looking at?" they jumped and looked away in fear, what a wild man! Are you sure this is a teacher?!

Hiro cleared his throat, maybe he went a bit too far. He was the Shokugeki king! This place might as well be his home! He had fought against all the students more than twice in all his years here. He won every time, except the 'Tie' against Fuji.

The losses were against Zerotwo, Gin, and Joichiro when they determined seats, he didn't count them as Shokugekis but counted them as their competition points. He was nearly invincible in Shokugekis!

He felt extremely nostalgic, walking back into this place.

He smelled the air in the building and smiled, it was exactly the same! He happily walked to the Judges table and sat down on the side, the other two judges looked at him with hesitation, wasn't this guy the best chef in the world? Why is he sitting on the side!?

This is too much pressure!

Hiro leaned back and interlocked his fingers, under everyone's gaze he placed his hands on his stomach and slowly... fell asleep.

Everyone was shocked!

Did this guy just fall asleep?!


Wasn't this guy the best chef in the world!?

His picture was in the WGO records and everything! Even the Bookmaster said that he was the best of the best, impossible to overcome! It's said that the Bookmaster had never eaten anything as delicious as his food!

They all gulped and felt invisible pressure.

Soma blinked and said "Aiyo! Uncle!" Everyone turned white with fear!


Hiro grunted and said "Hey, kid. Are you going to surprise me again today?" Soma grinned and nodded, Hiro smiled and said "I hope so." the students were in an uproar, unable to believe this! What was so special about this red haired kid with a headband!?

Hiro squinted and sank into his chair saying "Let's get started." the opponent, a blond girl with tanned skin named Ikumi was locked and loaded, ready to go! The duo started right away.

The announcer girl looked at Hiro and licked her lips as she announced her things. Hiro looked at her and his brows jumped, this girl... she was 70-80% similar to the loli that MC'd his Shokugekis! The apple doesn't fall far from the tree indeed, he wondered how that loli was doing now, hopefully she was happy.

She was cute, he liked her quite a bit. She always got angry with him and cursed at him while he was cooking, it was fun!

If the loli knew that Hiro thought her curses were fun, it can be assumed she could lunge at him and attack.

Not that it was a problem for him, he would probably laugh and pat her head.

The circle of life is vicious indeed.

Hiro looked up at the booth, there was a little girl with blond hair in there, sitting like a queen. He chuckled, she really did look like Mana somewhat, her eyebrows were shorter than normal and thin but they still had the oval shape! It was very vague but Hiro could tell.

The more he looked at her, the more he was reminded of his friends. She really was a mix of Azami and Mana with a hint of Senzaemon. She was very cute, Soma wasn't bad looking either, Hiro shipped them.

He even had a little plan...

His expression became a bit evil and he chuckled, he would need help from a certain someone for that to happen. Hehe~

A while passed

Ikumi brought her dish, A5 Japanese Beef Roti Don. He looked at the flower of A5 meat and smiled, he looked at Ikumi and really appreciated her. She was a woman of his own heart! The crazy execution of the dishes to look like something else! He smiled happily and said nothing.

The other judges complimented the looks and the rest, blah, blah.

Ikumi looked at Hiro nervously, he smiled and clicked his chop sticks together, saying "I love the look. We might even be of the same heart, Ikumi. I remember facing Jacques Foisgras or whatever his name was in France, we had a bar...." The other judges blinked and stopped him quickly, was this guy about to rant?

They didn't have time for that!

Hiro stopped and chuckled as he said "My bad, if you're interested, I'll show you what I made later." Ikumi's face flushed with excitement and she nodded "Please!" Hiro smiled softly and scooped up rice, wrapping it in a meat petal before putting it into his mouth and chewing slowly.

He smiled, it was truly very good, but it was missing something.

Hiro smiled and put his chopsticks down, Ikumi's heart fell and she asked hesitantly "Is there something wrong?" Hiro smiled and said "You'll find out in just a bit." Ikumi had a bad feeling and Soma walked over with his dish, placing it on the table and smiling "Here you go! Chaliapin Steak Don."

Hiro smiled and didn't say anything before tasting Soma's dish. As soon as it came into his mouth he tasted the difference. He put down his chopsticks and smiled, looking at the duo in front of him. The other judges were silent looking at Hiro.

Hiro cleared his throat and said "The problem with your dish, Ikumi, is that it lacks 'soul'. The problem isn't the ingredients. Soma's dish, despite having cheaper meat, has the soul of the dish. It enhances the dish on it's own, you focused too much on the quality of the meat. While the quality of the ingredients matters, it's not the most important thing."

He paused for a moment before continuing "Think of it like this. A chicken can lay golden eggs, but is cooked by a 3 year old with 0 cooking experience, vs a normal chicken cooked by a veteran chef. Or, even better, a child with a massive treasure sword. It might be powerful, but if you focus only on the sword instead of how to use the sword, then you'll never get anywhere."

He shook his head and added "It's not that your dish is bad! It's very good, but it's simply impossible to compare with a dish that has a soul. Had Soma used the same ingredients as you, there wouldn't even be a to have a judge table. Taste it for yourself. You'll see the difference immediately. You're a very good chef, it's just the little things that you need to pay attention to that will make or break your dish."

Soma handed Ikumi a bowl and Hiro looked at him, saying "Again, you have exceeded my expectations of you. You're just like him." he smiled and Soma asked "Like who?" Hiro just shook his head and said "You'll find out later." before adding "My vote is for Soma Yukihira."

the other judges smiled wryly, Hiro already said everything. What was there left to say? They voted for Soma as well and he won the Shokugeki. Hiro stood up and smiled swaying "Come find me when you have time, I'll finish my story then." Ikumi nodded absentmindedly.

Hiro patted her head and walked out of the arena, going home with time to spare!

What a great day!