Progression in Interdimensional Travel (34)

One Hellfire Wyrm erupted from the ground near an ammunition depot, its fiery maw snapping at nearby defenders. A combat engineer quickly activated a fire suppression field, slowing the flames. Another soldier darted in with a cryo-grenade, hurling it into the Wyrm's open mouth. As the explosion froze the creature's core, a heavy gunner delivered a railgun shot that shattered its fiery form.

Above the chaos, another Wyrm coiled midair, raining fireballs onto the defenders. A team of jetpack soldiers engaged it, weaving through the inferno. One soldier distracted the Wyrm with precision shots, while another flew behind it, driving an energy blade into its spine. The Wyrm let out a dying screech, crashing into the ground below.

The Revenants were more sinister, their skeletal wings now glowing with green, toxic energy. They dived in coordinated swarms, their talons emitting corrosive fields that sapped strength from nearby soldiers.