
Ch 21 "Balance"

"Yes...Miss heather" I said looking down

"We need to talk Lorraine before you leave" She said calmly and took my hand sitting on one of those table outside the practice room she sighed before speaking "I am sorry Lorraine...for shouting but you already knew me work is work...you are so talented I agree on that...but you over think! look here in this place we throw our painful memories only the good one is allowed we need a clear calm mind to get to our target...sometimes it gets hard I know but we always look at the positive side NEVER drown ourselves into the mud we have good high expectations am I wrong?" She said tilting her head with calm smile

"No Miss Heather" I said wiping my tears away

"Just Heather...everyone inside are like my own children you are one of them if you need to talk about anything don't hesitate just call me"

"Yes...yes I will for sure miss Heather- I mean Heather!"

"Great we need to get refreshed before we start , Excuse me! yes one cup of espresso and .. what do you want Lorraine?" she said asking me

"Oh nothing Miss Heather-"

"You better speak before I choose myself!" She said cutting me

"Then...iced-coffee please.."

"Perfect..one espresso and one iced-coffee asap!"

"Thank you Heather.."

"It's nothing dear and you...you better promise me that you will do as I said!"

"I promise you" I said sending her a smile

We got our drinks.. and started chit chatting she was a different person than the one who was inside few minutes ago funny person , caring and friendly she was like aunt Carla I guess that's why they became friends , because as far as I know aunt Carla she doesn't trust anyone that easy but I guess Miss Heather gained her trust easily after we finished drinking we went inside to continue she changed 180 degree to become a cold calm person but I shrugged it off repeating to myself that I can do it and I just need to focus on good things as Miss Heather told me Amber finished her high-note so this is my turn I closed my eyes taking a deep breath and played it went pretty smoothly in a way that made everyone in the practice room open their mouth is shock and satisfaction I was proud of myself when I finished I looked at Miss Heather she had small smile on her face nodding to me "That's great Lorraine!" She said "OKAY GUYS! it's good for now you may now rest"

I took my stuff and was going to leave but a voice stopped me and it's Sam "Lorraine you did amazing today!"

"Oh thank you Sam!"

"This is not a compliment I am talking for real , but earlier you were a bit off what's wrong?" He asked putting his hand on my shoulder

"I see you Sam!" Noah said jokingly to Sam before leaving

"Asshole... whatever what is wrong?"

"It's nothing Sam for real-" I was cut by a hand on my other shoulder and it was Heather "I think you should go and rest for now guys , we have a lot to do and Lorraine I knew from Carla that you have college tomorrow you need to leave see you guys soon" she patted on my shoulder before leaving I smiled looking back at Sam "Let's go!"

"But you better text me or else!"

"Or else what Sam?"

"Try and you will know" He smirked jokingly before he leave

Next day at college we had a project that we needed to do and so we went to Lucinda because she is clever on those things waaaay better than the three of us we thought that we are gonna give it to the professor and done....but....

"This project is done in a pretty smooth way I admit" He looked at us suspiciously "that is surprising...I am not saying that you normally don't do it in that simple clear way but...this one surprised me" he pocked his cheek with his tongue "well...why don't you discuss about it here"

Our smile faded...I gulped my saliva so hard what shall I do about this

"And I think Emma will be good for this"

"M-Me Professor" she said pointing at herself

"Yes You! now start"

She went in front of everyone her face hit the mic making some noises which made her and us go more worried but we had to hype her you know for our safety


She had no choice but to start...and surprisingly it wasn't that bad even the professor was shocked!

"That's good... You made a good project I admit it...and you illustrated it in a good form , maybe I will leave you this time" He said smiling

"Thank you professor" Chloe said with a shaky smile it's like escaping from hell

After we finished and went out

"You did a great job Emma but may I ask you did you-" I was cut by her "Studied!...Lucy gave me the main points while she was working on it seriously she is a life savor.... thank god that old man didn't catch us"

After she said that we started laughing out loud gaining most of people attention one of them...was Ashton!