Chapter 10. Beginning


We started FaceTiming in January 12th. I can see the look you give me on. FaceTime, friends don't look at friends like that . Eye contact... Your body language tells it all.

One day I was looking at my wall and it hit me, I was falling for you. I waited and waited. I was in a bad shape. You came and showed me, love, when I wasn't feeling or seeing it. I realized that I am really special and really lucky to have you.

You met me when I was sick, many people walked out of my life because they couldn't handle me, you handled me, you helped me, you healed me.

We met in February 2020. We spent little time together. Loved every second of that short time we spent. My heart went wild when you looked me into my eyes. When I saw you I wondered what do your lips taste like? I was nervous. I was scared of rejection. I was scared of ruining what we had