9. A Man From the Past

"Why, Sir? How come it looks so sluggish." I turned to the source of the sound. I shook my head slowly as I received the coffee I ordered.

"It's okay, sir. Thanks for the coffee."

"If hard to you, just tell me the story, sir. Instead of going to suicide later." I was quite surprised by the response. How could he so easily conclude that I would end up committing suicide? I chuckled softly before replying.

"Why commit suicide, sir."

"Ah, your face have no passion for life."

"Ah, I see. It's not just a problem ..."

"Ask to get married, Sir?" wait? How come Mr. Mahmud's guess is right.

"Huh?" now I'm really surprised. You know the guess, almost right. I saw Pak Mahmud smiling again, seemingly satisfied with his guess this time.