
Merlin asked, "What is your plan?"

Shirou responded with a smile, "What other choice do I have? I'll need to rely on my wits."

He then proceeded to visit Morgan's workshop, where she warmly greeted him.

"Sister, are you familiar with alchemy?"

Morgan confidently replied, "Of course!"

"In that case, can you produce bronze?"

She confidently replied, "Of course. Is there a particular reason for your inquiry?"

He projected a Gae Bolg and questioned, "Is it feasible to cover this spear with bronze?"

"It's a simple task."

He probed further, "Suppose I need fifty weapons to be coated with bronze. Can you accomplish this task within a day?"

She grumbled, "Although this country relies on you, don't underestimate your sister, Arthur!"

Shirou showered her with compliments, expressing his admiration for her skills and dependability. This delighted Morgan, who was pleased to receive recognition for her expertise.

Then he used a significant amount of magical energy to project fifty Gae Bolgs. Geraint was tasked with procuring tin and copper, which were quickly refined into high-quality bronze to cover the spears.

Merlin saw through his plan and helplessly said, "Are you planning to cheat for food?"

Shirou retorted, "They've been keeping the prices low and exploiting us. I'm simply leveling the playing field!"

He summoned Gawain and instructed him to select the fifty most remarkable soldiers from the remaining troops. He then ordered them to take a bath, groom themselves, and don the most elegant and shiny armor available.

He addressed the fifty selected soldiers, saying, "Everyone! Listen up! You have been entrusted with a crucial mission! Tomorrow, you will accompany me to Europe and demonstrate the valor of Camelot's soldiers to those kings! This mission carries significant importance for the future of our kingdom. Consider it a great honor to represent our nation, and be sure to rest well tonight and bring out your valor tomorrow!"

The fifty soldiers responded in unison, "Yes, your majesty!"

Shirou summoned Agravain and other ministers responsible for internal affairs from Caerleon, and briefed them on the situation. He stated, "Everyone, we have successfully established our presence in Cornwall, but it's evident that the people here harbor no love for Camelot. As we move forward, we'll face several challenges, and striking the right balance is crucial. We mustn't be overly aggressive, nor should we be too reserved. Our actions must be guided by kindness and respect for the law. While we can show forgiveness in certain cases, we must stand firm against those who commit unforgivable acts!"

"Your Majesty, we understand!" Lucan and the others responded in unison.

Shirou nodded thoughtfully before continuing, "The situation is complicated. Although Camelot managed to stop Vortigern, his army of beasts may still attack from the north and the center. Luckily, the lords and northern kings have secured the center, so that's one less thing to worry about. Our main focus now is dealing with any trouble that might come from the north."

After a brief pause, he turned to Bedivere and ordered, "Bedivere, I need you to act swiftly. Gather as many people as you can and build a defensive wall along the northern mountain range to fend off the monsters. Artoria is already there fighting alone, and she won't be able to hold out for long."

"Understood!" Bedivere replied, nodding in agreement.

Lucan interjected, "Your Majesty, the food shipment from the lords is due to arrive soon. What should we do with it?"

He pondered for a moment before replying, "The food won't be enough to feed everyone, so we'll repurpose it for military use. How about this - we'll entrust it to Bedivere, and anyone who is willing to assist in building the defensive wall will be rewarded with food. The exact amount of the reward will be determined by the two of you."

Bedivere and Lucan both nodded in agreement.

"Very well, Your Majesty," Bedivere responded, "I'll make sure to distribute the food fairly to those who help with the construction."

Shirou added, "One more thing. You'll need to work with the other ministers to quickly compile a comprehensive count of the number of civilians and soldiers, as well as a list of the casualties in this battle. We owe it to the fallen to provide their families with an explanation."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and Lucan replied, "We'll make sure to complete the task as soon as possible, Your Majesty."

Shirou stood up from his seat and scanned the faces of his subjects, feeling a surge of emotion. He then thumped his chest with his right hand, a customary gesture of appreciation in Camelot, before bowing deeply. "I want you all to know how much I appreciate your support and dedication as we build our future together and face the trials that lie ahead. I wish I could offer you more, but all I have are my heartfelt apologies and gratitude. I hope you'll accept them from the bottom of my heart."

Bedivere and the other ministers were taken aback by his gesture. They quickly kneeled down and protested, "Your Majesty, we have already pledged our loyalty to you. How can you bow to us? This is... this is blasphemy!"

They were both moved and intimidated by the sight of their king bowing to them.

For a moment, the knights who had always chased after glory were overcome with emotion and brought to tears. Even Agravain, who was typically reserved, was visibly moved.

Shirou spoke up, "As we face the coming storms and set off on this long journey, I need each and every one of you by my side, working together with me."

Without hesitation, they replied in unison, "Yes, Your Majesty!"


A day had passed, and news of Shirou's plan to exchange minerals for food in Europe had already spread throughout Cornwall. While the people of Caerleon rejoiced and cheered, the reaction from the Cornish was lukewarm at best. Some of them remarked, "Whatever we receive in exchange won't be enough to feed us."

"Even though the king's show of carrying swords and confessing his sins was impressive, it may not benefit us in any way. Look - he didn't even give us a morsel of food from Caerleon!"

"I fear it was just a ruse to manipulate our emotions! As I've said before, we should drive them out of our land!"

"But who will protect us from Vortigern if we do? Let's not forget how vicious and cruel he is. Rumor has it that he raises monsters and feeds them human flesh!"

"Where did you hear such absurd rumors? Perhaps these outsiders fabricated them to deceive us!"

"I'd rather believe them than take any chances!"

Although most of the Cornish people remained apathetic and even harbored malicious speculations, there were a few young souls who held onto hope.

As Shirou emerged from the palace, dressed in his finest attire, a young Cornish boy approached him with a question. "My King," the boy asked, "will you share the food you bring back with us?"

He tenderly tousled the boy's hair and offered a warm smile. "Both Caerleon and Cornwall are my people. All of my subjects are like my own children, and I could never show favoritism towards one group over another. You have my word - I will ensure that everyone has enough to eat and warm clothes to wear."

Accompanied by Merlin, he departed from the palace. Despite the fact that news of his departure had reached the ears of the Cornish people, most of them reacted with derision and contempt. However, there were still a few young hearts that remained full of hope.

Unlike their older counterparts, who harbored deep-seated resentments, the young people of Cornwall were born into poverty and yearned for a brighter future. They adored fairy tales and were particularly enamored with romantic stories. The legend of the British Red Dragon had long captivated their imaginations, and Shirou's recent display of confession had a profound impact on them.

These young souls were filled with hope and expectation.

In contrast, the adults, particularly the elderly, dismissed such displays as mere falsehoods propagated by outsiders. However, when Bedivere called for volunteers to assist in building defensive walls in exchange for food, the people of Cornwall responded most eagerly - perhaps due to the acute hunger that plagued them.

For those who lived in dire poverty, disillusionment with the world was an all-too-familiar feeling. Yet, paradoxically, they yearned for a better life more intensely than anyone else.

Even the smallest act of kindness could elicit a profound response from them. In modern terms, this could be described as a form of extremely low-cost labor. It was precisely this reason that the tin mines of Cornwall were exploited so brutally - those in power knew they could rely on the desperation and pliability of the local workforce.

The food supply chain was firmly in the hands of those in power, and no one had the courage to resist their control.

Shirou retrieved Gae Bolg from Morgan's workshop, where it had been fully encased in bronze, and presented it to fifty magnificent soldiers who were outfitted in gleaming armor.

As they held the formidable weapon, these soldiers - who had fought their way through countless battles, emerging from mountains of corpses and oceans of blood - seemed to transform into celestial warriors, radiating immense strength and bearing an unmatched aura of excellence.

Shirou nodded in approval before leading the group onto the vessel that Geraint had arranged.

Geraint's reputation in Cornwall was highly esteemed, and his work efficiency was second to none. Almost everyone heeded his call to support Shirou's cause. This was one of the key reasons why Shirou and his entourage had not been expelled from Cornwall outright.

In just a single day, they loaded several tons of tin and copper onto the spacious ship, a testament to Geraint's exceptional organizational skills.

Geraint approached Shirou and asked, "My King, how long will your voyage last?"

"At most three days."

Geraint expressed his well-wishes, saying, "I pray that your journey is a smooth one and that you return with a bountiful harvest."

With a nod of gratitude, Shirou boarded the cargo ship, accompanied by Merlin.

As they boarded the cargo ship, Merlin suddenly appeared panicked and exclaimed, "My King, we cannot go to Gaul!"

He was taken aback by Merlin's sudden outburst. "Why not?"

Merlin replied anxiously, "The King of the Moon has arrived in Gaul!"

"The King of the Moon?" Shirou was taken aback, his body trembling in shock. "Do you mean the Crimson Moon?"

Merlin nodded, appearing visibly distraught.

"Why would it go to Gaul?" he asked, clenching his teeth in frustration.

Merlin shook his head helplessly, "I have no idea."

"If we head to Visigoth, will we still have enough time?"

Merlin responded with a heavy heart, "I'm afraid not."

"What about Ireland? Is there any food there?"

"Their stores are meager, much like those of the Northern Kings."

Shirou was donned in armor and wrapped in a thick white cape, but the cold wind blowing in from the sea still managed to seep through.

"Are we still going, my king?" Merlin asked, concern etched on his face.

He ground his teeth and replied resolutely, "Of course! I have already told my soldiers that we fear no danger, be it scaling mountains of blades or crossing seas of fire. We cannot back down now. Furthermore, with your Clairvoyance, we can keep track of the Crimson Moon and steer clear of it!"

Merlin pondered for a moment before nodding in agreement.


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