
"King Arthur? The king of Britain? I've heard of King Uther, but who exactly is King Arthur?" King Ban asked.

"He is the successor to King Uther," Lancelot replied. "Haven't you heard the recent rumors about King Arthur? He pulled the sword from the stone, traveled throughout Britain, and is renowned as the Red Dragon of Britain!"

"When did King Uther have a successor? Isn't he still at odds with the Saxons?"

"Father, that's old news. According to rumors from the returning merchants, King Uther passed away ten years ago, and Vortigern has already marched south to attack Camelot."

"Oh! So, what brings King Arthur here then? Is he here to borrow troops? If that's the case, let him know that Benoic has no troops to lend! And if he has any ideas about Benoic, inform him that our cavalry is unmatched!"

"Father, it doesn't seem like he's here to borrow troops or to invade Benoic. He merely mentioned that he has a big deal to offer you!"

"A big deal? Hmmm... What kind of person is he?"

"He's very composed, and he has been sitting in the palace for a while now, without changing his posture. He took only a sip of the wine I offered him at the beginning, which I assume was out of politeness, but he never drank any more of it... In fact, he merely touched his lips with the first sip, not in a reserved manner, but rather with caution and thoughtfulness, as though he was guarding himself against us."

"That's understandable. After all, who isn't aware of Benoic's reputation? By the way, do you know how old King Arthur is?"

"I'm not entirely sure, but he seems to be around thirteen years old."

"Only five years older than my grandson Galahad? Hahaha! A little child proclaiming himself as a king? Camelot is bound to fall apart eventually! Go on, Lancelot, throw that kid out of the palace for me!"

"Um... Father, I would recommend that you meet with King Arthur."


"He brought fifty guards with him, and each one of them appears to be a skilled and elite warrior! He seems like a king with considerable strength!"

"What can a child's soldiers accomplish? Are they more powerful than my own warriors?"


"That's enough, Lancelot! You show me the way! I'll bring the army over there and demonstrate to you what true Benoic warriors, not those British warriors, are made of!"

With a disdainful chuckle, King Ban led his soldiers back to Benoic, with Lancelot in tow towards the palace.

The streets were bustling with people going back and forth, and the marketplace was thriving, with vendors selling all sorts of fruits and exquisite bronze vessels. It was a vibrant and prosperous scene.

The Benoic palace was a castle with dappled shadows in the courtyard and over ten large trees that required multiple people to encircle them. There were no servants visible along the stone path, and in the distance, many people could be seen kneeling. The atmosphere was silent, but there was a sense of foreboding, much like the tall trees reaching towards the sky or the cold weapons displayed in the flower hall.

During the early fifth century, the Burgundians launched an invasion of the west bank of the Rhine, sparking the struggle for Gaul. The Visigoths and the Franks, a Germanic tribe residing downstream of the Rhine, banded together to invade Gaul, resulting in the region breaking away from Roman control and gaining independence.

King Ban was a Frankish man. The Bagaudae Movement in Gaul and the Agonistic Movement in North Africa had weakened the political power of the Western Roman Empire, and King Ban took advantage of this opportunity to raise an army and attack Gaul. He ultimately established the vast kingdom of Benoic.

He was a practical king who governed his country much like his army, and the castle was always solemn and tranquil. However, ongoing conflicts on the continent and the recent invasion by King Claudas had made the atmosphere even more oppressive. The wind blowing outside the walls seemed to freeze in the air, adding to the sense of foreboding.

King Ban led his fierce army through the garden and into the main hall of the castle. As he stopped and gazed upon the young man in the hall, his eyebrows involuntarily raised in surprise.

The youth appeared to be no more than thirteen years of age, garbed in bright silver-white armor and a white cloak. He had a youthful countenance, with straight eyebrows and bright eyes that emanated an indescribable aura.

Standing beside the young man was a magus as lovely as a flower, holding a staff and wearing a gentle smile.

What caught King Ban's attention was not the young man's appearance, but the fact that the hot wine on the table had long since lost its warmth, yet the youth remained composed without any hint of irritation. The ministers around him were preoccupied with their duties and had disregarded him, yet he still wore a serene smile, displaying no sense of embarrassment or shame.

It was rare for anyone of such a tender age to exhibit such poise and patience. In truth, King Ban himself did not possess these qualities. If anyone had dared to treat him in such a manner, he would have drawn his sword and slain them on the spot!

King Ban couldn't help but momentarily set aside his own arrogance.


After entering the palace of Benoic, Shirou exchanged a few words with Lancelot, but was subsequently ignored.

Sitting in the main hall for an extended period, it was natural to feel a hint of boredom. However, he found it bearable as he contemplated his future plans and how to build and develop his own foundation.

At that moment, Shirou silently thought about his development path, taking only a sip of the wine on the table to moisten his slightly dry lips. His actions were not due to caution or vigilance, as Lancelot had speculated, but to maintain a clear mind while waiting.

Upon seeing Lancelot escorting a dignified middle-aged man, Shirou rose to his feet and greeted the man with a smile. "Greetings, are you King Ban of Benoic?"

"Yes, I am," King Ban replied with a nod.

He motioned for Shirou to take a seat as he himself settled into the throne. King Ban then asked, "I have heard that you are the successor of King Uther, the Red Dragon of Britain, King Arthur?"

"Yes, that's correct."

"But why do I only see a little kid?"

His generals burst into laughter, and Shirou couldn't help but laugh as well.

"What are you laughing at?" King Ban asked.

Shirou chuckled and remarked, "I had imagined the king who had led the Frankish people to push back the Western Roman Empire and establish the vast kingdom of Benoic to be a formidable hero. However, it seems that you are just a blind bear! It's truly amusing!"

"What did you say!?"

"I dare you to say it again!"

The generals glared fiercely at Shirou and unsheathed their swords, attempting to intimidate him.

Despite the aggression, Shirou remained composed and laughed, remarking, "Swords may force the weak to kneel and intimidation may make cowards tremble, but to a true king, such actions reek of insecurity! Or are you declaring war on behalf of your king and Benoic?"

The generals hesitated. They had instinctively drawn their swords to defend King Ban, but declaring war on behalf of the kingdom was a weighty decision they dared not make lightly.

At this moment -


King Ban rose to his feet, his gaze sharp as swords as he emitted a dangerous aura. "King Arthur, have you come here to cause trouble for me?"

"Of course not," Shirou responded, meeting the King's gaze. "I have come to ease your burden, King Ban."

King Ban frowned, "What burden do I have?"

"King Claudas."

The onlookers exchanged glances and murmured amongst themselves.

King Ban's frown deepened, "You have come to aid me in dealing with King Claudas?"

Shirou smiled and nodded in affirmation.

King Ban laughed heartily and said, "Claudas can't break through my defenses and my brother King Bors' defenses! King Arthur, you're just a little kid who came to the wrong place!"

The room was filled with laughter, and Shirou laughed along with them.

"What are you laughing at?" King Ban frowned again.

Shirou smiled and replied, "I find it amusing that you are trapped within a prison, yet you are unaware of it."

"Trapped in a prison? What do you mean?" King Ban asked, taken aback.

His response was blunt. "Yes, that's exactly what I mean. You find yourself besieged by enemies on all sides: the Burgundians, the Saxons, the Basques, the Suebi, and, to make matters worse, the Visigoth Kingdom. You're in a tough spot, King Ban."

"The Basques and Suebi may have joined forces with the Visigoth Kingdom, but they are still our allies against the empire. Who said anything about enemies?" King Ben retorted with a hint of disdain. "Furthermore, last I heard, Britain was under a heavy Saxon invasion. The king who betrayed Britain is Vortigern, right? As King Arthur's successor, you're the king of Britain. From where I'm standing, it seems like you're the one trapped in a prison, kid."

Shirou shook his head and replied, "That's not entirely accurate."

At this point, someone in the crowd interjected, "What did our king say that was incorrect? It's common knowledge that your kingdom, Camelot, is currently surrounded by Vortigern's forces. With your capital fallen, what kind of king are you now? The king of a broken country or the king of wandering dogs?" The remark was met with loud laughter from the crowd.

Shirou remarked, "It appears that your country's sources of information are quite limited, which might explain how you've fallen into such a dangerous situation."

King Ban questioned him, "So, are you saying that my general's statement is inaccurate?"

Shirou chuckled, a glint of triumph in his eyes, "Exactly! Our country's relentless attacks have pushed Vortigern to the brink of defeat, and now they are forced to retreat northward!"


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