
In the newly established capital city of Camelot, a towering beacon of light shines brightly, symbolizing a new dawn and a promising future. Unbeknownst to most, this tower of light is actually the Holy Lance Rhongomyniad, its true form revealed in all its radiant glory and imbued with a divine aura.

What most people don't realize is that this aura is actually True Ether, continuously extracted from the planet's inner sea by Shirou, who has fully liberated the Holy Lance Rhongomyniad. The True Ether fills the atmosphere, regulating its concentration and creating a serene and harmonious environment.

Despite the incredible power emanating from the Holy Lance Rhongomyniad, the people of Camelot are blissfully unaware of its true nature, going about their daily lives without a care in the world.

In the past few months, the knights of the king became embroiled in a series of amusing incidents.

Kay, falsely accused by Merlin, became a target for young girls and was often pursued by non-human entities like giants and fairies. His sharp wit and sarcastic tongue only attracted more trouble.

Lancelot, a close friend of Kay's, swapped outfits with him and took on his persona, using his exceptional fighting skills to engage in various adventures.

Gawain, on the other hand, found himself in the midst of a fairy's affections, causing him no end of trouble. However, as they got to know each other, they became closer, and the fairy eventually gifted him a holy sword. It was said to be the sister sword of Excalibur and, after matching it with his Sun attribute, Gawain named it the Sword of Revolving Victory.

Shirou was left speechless, wondering if it was destiny that despite becoming King Arthur, Artoria still possessed Excalibur, and Gawain still had Excalibur Galatine. The only difference was that Shirou could replicate these swords and distribute multiple copies to others.

Gawain couldn't help but feel a bit helpless, seeing his once unique sword become so commonplace. Nevertheless, as a Knight of the King, he had no objections to the King's decision.

Many interesting incidents had occurred during this time, and people loved to gossip about them. These stories may eventually become legends, but since they were passed down orally and often embellished by poets and writers, it was difficult to discern what was true and what was false.

Now, the King faced a pressing issue alone.

"Are you certain?" Shirou met secretly with Agravain, who had returned from Cornwall in secrecy.

"Yes, my King," Agravain replied.

Shirou stroked his chin, wondering if he was being overly cautious or if there was more to the matter. He glanced at Agravain, who was staring at the ground. Although not naturally suspicious, Shirou took this issue very seriously.

"I've been thinking about Morgan's governance in Cornwall," Shirou said, "and I've decided it's time to see how things are going for myself."

Agravain's face grew solemn. "My King, with all due respect, I think it's unwise to go there yourself. Camelot is still in need of reconstruction, and you should remain here to oversee things. If you wish to inspect Morgan's performance, it would be better to send a team to carry out your will. This is a matter of great importance, and we should keep it discreet. We should also send a team to inspect Artoria's side as well."

Shirou realized that Agravain had a point, but he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease about not seeing things for himself. "Very well," he said after a moment of contemplation. "The inspection team will consist of you, Gawain, and Kay. Remember, this is a matter of utmost importance and must be kept confidential. Camelot cannot withstand any more chaos!"

Agravain spoke up once again. "My King, you should consider having an heir."

Shirou turned away, dismissing Agravain's suggestion. "Focus on your duties, Agravain. That's all for now."

"Very well," Agravain replied, slowly making his way to the door.

"Agravain, you are one of my most trusted advisors, along with Artoria, Kay, and Merlin. I know you will handle this inspection with care and carry out my will."

"You are the light of Britain and its ruler. I would never do anything to harm you," Agravain said, bowing slightly before leaving the room.

Shirou watched Agravain go, his mind racing with thoughts of the task at hand. He knew he could trust Agravain, but this was a matter of great importance, and caution was necessary. So he had sent Gawain and Kay to accompany him to Cornwall for the inspection of Morgan's governance.

Gawain was a noble and trustworthy knight, a close friend and ally of Shirou, much like Artoria. Kay was Shirou's loyal brother and the person who most wanted to see Artoria on the throne. Therefore, if Morgan were to try something funny, Kay would not hesitate to speak out.

The inspection team was carefully chosen, with Agravain representing Morgan's interests, Kay representing Artoria's interests, and Gawain acting as a mediator, coordinating and maintaining control among the group. They were to supervise each other closely and ensure the inspection was carried out thoroughly.

Merlin would be more at ease knowing that they were under world's close scrutiny, making it harder for Morgan to cause any trouble.

Shirou felt a sense of regret as Agravain left, knowing he was a vital part of Camelot's reconstruction. As the country's leader and spiritual symbol, Shirou couldn't leave, or else chaos would ensue.

With a heavy heart, he made his way to the dungeon to visit Altrouge, his expression betraying nothing.

"How are you faring, Princess?" Shirou asked. "Have you given my proposal any further thought?"

Altrouge looked up at Shirou, hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "How can you grant me freedom?"

He sneered, a coldness creeping into his tone. "Isn't it obvious? By killing Crimson Moon."

Altrouge had long suspected that this would be Shirou's answer, but when she heard the words come out of his mouth, her breath caught in her throat. It felt as though a heavy hammer had struck her soul, leaving her reeling from the shock.

She stared blankly at Shirou's calm expression, struggling to process what had just been said. This scoundrel, this king, this human... he had spoken her deepest desire, something she had been too afraid to even dream of.

"You're just a human," she said incredulously. "You have no idea how powerful Crimson Moon is."

"I understand more than you think," he replied calmly.

"If that's the case, why did you have to come to me for information about Crimson Moon's power?" she challenged.

Shirou explained, "My understanding is vast, encompassing countless dimensions, planets, and even the universe itself. However, my perspective is so high that I may overlook certain details on a smaller scale. Can you relate to this feeling?"

Her head dropped. "I... I don't understand,"

"I have a hundred ways to kill Crimson Moon," Shirou stated, looking directly at Altrouge. "For example..."

"What kind of ways?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Shirou paused for a moment before changing the subject. "Do you know why Crimson Moon formed an alliance with Attila, a mere human? Or, more specifically, why they made a mutual non-aggression agreement?"

She was taken aback by the sudden shift in topic. "No, I don't. Why?"

He spoke calmly, "Because Attila is a wandering invader who destroyed the gods on this planet over ten thousand years ago. Although, it's possible that she may only be a projection or some other form of existence. Her true body is located in Crimson Moon's origin, the Moon."

"Is...is that so?"

"Absolutely," he replied confidently. "Otherwise, why would I claim to have a hundred ways to defeat Crimson Moon? I understand everything."

He paused for a moment before continuing. "For instance, have you ever heard of the Holy Grail?"