
He paused for a moment before continuing. "For instance, have you ever heard of the Holy Grail?"

She shook her head, looking hesitant. "No, I don't think so."

"The Holy Grail has the power to connect with God, which is why the Church has been searching for it," he explained. "The Church has ways to deal with Crimson Moon, but they haven't found that thing yet."

"So, are you saying that you also want to find the Holy Grail?" she asked, her voice cautious.

"Absolutely not. I have no idea where the Holy Grail is, and I can't count on God to listen to me," he replied. "I prefer to take matters into my own hands and find a more secure way to kill Crimson Moon. And that's where you come in."

"Me?" she asked, clearly surprised.

"Right," Shirou nodded, his gaze unwavering. "Without you, my chance of success is only 30%. But with you, it jumps up to 70%. Are you willing to take a gamble? If you win, you'll gain true freedom and never have to be under his control again. If you lose, well... let's just say that he won't use the same methods as me."

She looked up at him, her eyes wide with uncertainty. "Am I... important?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Of course," Shirou said, a smile spreading across his face. "Very important. And I never lie."

She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come. "Okay... okay! I'll do it. As long as you can give me my freedom, I'll do anything!"

Shirou released her limbs. "Good, follow me."

Without hesitation, she fell into step behind him.

He led Altrouge to the palace's bathroom and gestured to the tub. "Take a bath first," he instructed. "Clean up your appearance and make yourself presentable. You don't want to look like a prisoner. Instead, aim to look like a princess, just like when you first met me. Once you're done, come to the main hall and I'll tell you what to do."

She nodded, grateful for the chance to freshen up. Shirou turned and left, heading to the main hall and settling himself on the throne. Vivian was nowhere to be seen, and only a stack of paperwork that needed his attention remained on the table.

Shirou allowed himself a small smile. "Having one more useful person is really good," he mused aloud. "It'll make things so much easier."

He felt a sense of satisfaction as he settled into his seat and began to sift through the stack of paperwork before him. He flipped open the first page, only to have a crumpled piece of paper fall out.

It had a big demon face drawn on it.

Shirou: "..."

He couldn't help but wonder if he had been too lenient with the fairy lately, given her recent behavior. And to top it off, she was wasting paper, a resource that was precious and not to be squandered.

As someone who had held power for so long, Shirou expected her to understand the importance of avoiding extravagance and waste. Every resources was valuable, and it was crucial to use them carefully. Doesn't she understand this principle?

Shirou didn't pay any attention to the demon face on the front of the paper and flipped it over, hoping to continue using it. However, he was met with another demon face on the back.

Frustrated, he crumpled the paper into a ball and muttered, "I've been too lenient with that fairy. I need to teach her that wasting resources is unacceptable. A king cannot be provoked!"

He squeezed the paper ball tightly in his hand.

At that moment, Altrouge, who had regained her composure, walked into the room.

"What should I do?" Altrouge looked up at Shirou.

He gestured for her to come closer and said, "Come here."

Altrouge hesitated for a moment before approaching Shirou. Despite her delicate and pretty appearance, her humanoid form resembled that of a 14-year-old girl.

She stood by Shirou's throne as he beckoned her closer.

"Come a bit closer."

She crouched down, resting her hands on the throne's white jade armrest, looking as obedient as a cat.

"I have a simple task for you," Shirou said. "Go out and recruit True Ancestors and Dead Apostles who share your dissatisfaction with Crimson Moon and want him dead."

Altrouge hesitated before asking, "Can I really do that?"

"It all depends on how you go about it," he replied. "Don't you have the ability to make contracts? Find them, make contracts with them, and control them. I don't need to teach you how to control them, do I?"

"No, there's no need."

Shirou drew a sword from his side and handed it to her.

"Give this sword to Crimson Moon. Tell him that it's the Sword of Promised Victory, which you took from Vivian's hands. Let him know that Vivian has already been slain by King Arthur."

The sword was another holy sword collected by Vivian. It was a powerful weapon capable of bestowing the title of Sword Saint upon any knight who wielded it. Unfortunately, Shirou planned to use it as a lure to entice Crimson Moon.

"A holy sword?" she hesitated, taking the sword from Shirou. "Do you want me to deceive him? I can't lie..."

Shirou sighed and shook his head. "Do I really have to explain it to you? Alright, listen closely. Simply tell Crimson Moon that on the island of Britain, there were multiple kings vying for power. Vortigern, one of these kings, sought to usher in a new Age of the Gods but was ultimately defeated by King Arthur. The fairy Vivian took human form and aligned herself with Vortigern. However, when King Arthur emerged victorious, Vivian revealed the Sword of Promised Victory and manifested the Evil Eye of Balor. Unfortunately for her, King Arthur killed Vivian and claimed the sword. You aided King Arthur in acquiring the sword, and that's how you came into possession of it. As for the specifics, you can improvise as needed."

"Okay..." she nodded.

"I see you understand now."

He added, "Oh, and if Crimson Moon asks about the nature of King Arthur and Vortigern, simply say that Vortigern was a brute, while King Arthur was a foolish idiot who only won with the help of the fairies and yourself. Understood?"

Altrouge nodded. "I understand."

She couldn't help but ask, "Am I truly that important?"

"Of course you are. You're very important."

"In that case, I have a request," she said. "You must not harm Merem."

Shirou nodded in agreement. "Okay."

She asked cautiously, "Are you really going to let him go?"

"Of course, I'll release him," he replied, nodding once more. He then motioned for Altrouge to come closer.

After a moment's hesitation, she approached Shirou.

He placed his hand gently on her silky hair and spoke in a soft, seductive tone, like that of an enchanting succubus. "As long as you accomplish this task, I'll reward you generously. And if you want Merem back, that's not a problem. Remember, you're important, very important. Do you understand?"

"Ye...yes, I understand," Altrouge replied, her voice a bit shaky.

Shirou handed her an alchemical stone for communication, briefly touched her hair, and then withdrew his hand. "Then go and do what you must."

"Okay...I'll leave now," she said before departing.

Left alone in the room, Shirou turned his attention back to his paperwork, the silence only broken by the rustling of parchment.

After finishing his paperwork, the king left the palace and made his way to the Tower of Light. Once there, he placed his palm on the Light and allowed his mind to be invaded by the Holy Lance Rhongomyniad, thus connecting with the planet.

"O planet, our mother who gave birth to us, merciful mother, please listen to my voice..." he beseeched, hoping for a response.

But the planet remained silent.

The king let out a disappointed sigh before summoning his willpower and blocking the invasive power of the Holy Lance Rhongomyniad. He refused to give up. Without a means to fight against the Crimson Moon, humanity couldn't retain its position as the dominant species on Earth. Therefore, he couldn't give up - not under any circumstances.

He was determined to find a way to wake the planet from the dream spun by Crimson Moon and continue the fight for humanity's future.