
"Crack, crack, crack—"

Muscles were crushed, and crimson streams of blood erupted from every pore, spraying out like a fountain.

Zelretch's face was drenched in a sheen of cold sweat. He had expended immeasurable amounts of magical energy to bolster his body, surpassing even the durability of Galatine. Yet, in the face of Crimson Moon's overwhelming force, his efforts proved futile, rendering his enhanced physical strength utterly ineffective in an instant.

In truth, Crimson Moon had deliberately restrained a substantial portion of his strength. Otherwise, he could have effortlessly pulverized Zelretch's leg into a shapeless mass long ago.

However, he refrained from such an action because he understood that crushing Zelretch's leg would likely result in his escape, taking refuge within the rifts of the world.

When it came to raw physical power and speed, barring the giant spider, Crimson Moon stood as the mightiest entity on the entire planet.

What made Crimson Moon truly terrifying wasn't just his ability to conjure something out of nothing, the Marble Phantasm, but rather his physical form!

"Oh no, Crimson Moon has already discovered the weakness of that guy!" Merlin sighed and continued, "His power lies in drawing magical energy from parallel worlds, but unfortunately, his physical body is quite average. And it's this weakness that Crimson Moon has cunningly exploited!"

"So, what you're saying is that he should keep his distance?" Shirou mused.

"Yes!" Merlin nodded.

Shirou focused his energy, activating the Tower of Light, channeling its power into a formidable surge. With a resounding roar, he unleashed a thunderous blast.

The brilliant light sliced through the air like a razor-sharp blade, swiftly severing Crimson Moon's iron grip on Zelretch. Seizing the opportunity, Zelretch hurriedly made his escape.

The arm that had desperately clung to Zelretch's leg now transformed into a stream of crimson liquid, seamlessly flowing back into Crimson Moon's body. Before their eyes, the arm regenerated, returning to its complete form.

Crimson Moon shifted his gaze towards the Tower of Light, his eyes filled with malice. "That object, too, must be eradicated."

Raising his palm, he took aim at the Tower of Light, poised to unleash a devastating attack. However, to his surprise, before he could act, a colossal Ether Cannon, spanning a hundred meters in width, engulfed him entirely.

Zelretch's anger blazed fiercely as he locked his furious gaze onto Crimson Moon, his teeth clenched tight. Through gritted teeth, he declared, "Consider this my gift in return!"

The devastating impact of the super Ether Cannon left Crimson Moon in a pitiful state, his once humanoid flesh now charred and barely recognizable. Yet, within a breath's span, his body became shrouded in a mist of blood, swiftly restoring itself to its pristine form.

Crimson Moon redirected his gaze towards Zelretch, his eyes now brimming with an icy chill.

Zelretch, seething with frustration, clenched his teeth and bellowed, "Merlin!"

"Don't bother asking me! My main body is no match for him, let alone my clone!" Merlin grumbled, expressing his helplessness.

In his desperate attempt, Merlin could only modify his powerful offensive ritual magecraft into a suppression field, hoping to restrain Crimson Moon's movements.

However, it became evident that this suppression had minimal effect on Crimson Moon. His speed remained virtually unaffected, showing little signs of slowing down.

Crimson Moon relentlessly surged forward, charging towards Zelretch, who swiftly sought shelter within the rifts of the world.

This time, Zelretch prioritized the safety of his legs, cautiously avoiding any possibility of being caught by Crimson Moon once again.

Shirou desperately employed the Tower of Light to strike at Crimson Moon, but the speed at which Crimson Moon moved was akin to the flicker of time itself, effortlessly evading each attack. The supposed large-scale suppression field proved to be nothing more than a joke.

However, as Crimson Moon sought to retaliate by attacking the Tower of Light, Zelretch emerged from the rifts, unleashing a relentless barrage of multidimensional Ether Cannons upon him.

Their efforts prove futile as Crimson Moon remains unrivaled in his actions. Even if they activated the Sword of Promised Victory, their efforts would be in vain as Crimson Moon's physical prowess allowed him to effortlessly evade the sword's blast.

Shirou found himself in desperate need of a warrior, someone who could engage Crimson Moon in close combat. But the question lingered: Who possessed the capability to confront him?

Crimson Moon's overwhelming power presented a formidable challenge. Even if the resurrected Evil Eye Balor were to join the fray, he would prove no match for the might of Crimson Moon.

Within his faction, there were several formidable warriors, such as Scathach, Gawain, Lancelot, Merlin, and even Shirou himself. However, the harsh reality became apparent – none of them possessed the means to entangle Crimson Moon in close combat.

The truth weighed heavily on him: anyone who dared to face Crimson Moon would meet a tragic fate.

The realization that only a being of a certain kind could physically grapple with Crimson Moon dawned upon him. But before anyone could voice their thoughts, Arcueid stepped forward, determination etched on her face. "I'll go," she declared, her teeth clenched with resolve.

"No! You can't!" Shirou swiftly intervened, vetoing the idea. The prospect of allowing Arcueid to confront Crimson Moon seemed too dangerous. One wrong move, and there would be two Crimson Moons to contend with.

In truth, Shirou had never intended to involve Arcueid in this war. She had followed him secretly, driven by her own reasons. The relentless harassment from Morgan, who sought to exploit her Mystic Eyes, had pushed Arcueid to seek refuge on the battlefield.

However, Shirou had never even considered the notion of utilizing Arcueid's powers. For, in some sense, Arcueid herself shared a connection with Crimson Moon.

If he struggled to handle a single Crimson Moon, the consequences of confronting a second one would be catastrophic. The mere thought of it sent shivers down his spine.

"Don't worry! I won't allow myself to become Crimson Moon's pawn. I am Arcueid, your loyal friend Arcueid, and nothing else!" her voice exuded determination, her eyes unwavering.

"To be honest, I should have sent you back long ago. You shouldn't have stayed this long," he sighed.

"Hehehe... I stayed because I wanted to meet so many wonderful friends. Trust me, I won't succumb to Crimson Moon. This world is vast, filled with countless joys and wonders. There are endless experiences to enjoy and delicious treats to savor!" she chuckled, her laughter resonating with confidence. With a swift turn, she dashed forward, charging fearlessly towards Crimson Moon.

"But be sure to fulfill my bloodsucking urge to the fullest!" Arcueid called out as she raced by.

"I understand."

Shirou harnessed the dark powers of Vampiric Evil and All the World's Evil, undergoing a transformation into a colossal figure emanating an aura of blood. Side by side with Arcueid, they surged forward, their combined force hurtling towards Crimson Moon.

Crimson Moon cast a wary gaze upon the blood-colored giant, his eyes then narrowing in scrutiny as he locked onto Arcueid. Doubt and confusion flickered across his features. "Who... are you? How can you bear such a striking resemblance to me? No, this cannot be... When did I create such a perfect vessel?"

"I am not your vessel!" Arcueid's voice reverberated with conviction. She lunged towards Crimson Moon, her sharp claws slashing through the air.

Crimson Moon's brows furrowed as he swiftly evaded Arcueid's initial strike, seizing her wrist in a vice-like grip. With a forceful squeeze, a bone-chilling "crack" echoed through the air, as Arcueid's arm was crushed into a dense mist of blood.

Undeterred by the injury, she took a step back, her immortality rapidly regenerating her arm to its original state. Without hesitation, she resumed her relentless charge towards Crimson Moon.

Arcueid was truly awe-inspiring, surpassing all expectations. Even with just half of her formidable power unleashed, none among Shirou's faction stood a chance against her in close-quarters combat. Not even the likes of Merlin, Scathach, or Artoria could match her might when she harnessed fifty percent of her immense abilities.

Yet, despite her incredible strength, Shirou remained acutely aware that she was still no match for Crimson Moon.

Arcueid unleashed a ferocious assault, hurtling towards Crimson Moon with all her might. But her efforts were in vain as Crimson Moon effortlessly seized her arm and ruthlessly tore it from her body.

If it hadn't been for her innate True Ancestor immortality, her arm would have been irreparably maimed. Yet, even with this incredible regenerative ability, Arcueid realized that she remained utterly powerless against the relentless force of Crimson Moon.

Caught in a fleeting moment of hesitation, Arcueid made a resolute decision. She knew there was no other choice but to unleash the entirety of her dormant power, gambling everything she had in a desperate bid to turn the tide.

The once beautiful crimson eyes of Arcueid slowly transformed into a mesmerizing golden hue, surrounded by an aura of frenzy.

The overpowering urge to drink blood threatened to engulf Arcueid's sanity. Just as all seemed lost, Shirou took control of a towering giant, directing it to descend upon Arcueid. The colossal figure morphed into a sinister armor, attaching itself to her.

With the power of Vampiric Evil, Shirou absorbed the overwhelming bloodlust, allowing it to dissipate within his own mind.

Arcueid's sanity began to regain some clarity, but Shirou's complexion grew pale, and a searing headache struck him with immense force.

The majority of Arcueid's bloodthirsty impulse had now been transferred to Shirou through the conduit of Vampiric Evil, threatening to crush his very will.

In haste, Artoria anxiously asked, 'My king, are you alright?'"

Shirou swiftly responded, "Keep your attention on the ongoing battle and focus on your own mission."

She nodded, "Understood!" Her gaze locked onto Crimson Moon.

With unwavering resolve, Arcueid propelled herself towards Crimson Moon, unleashing the full extent of her strength. Though still outmatched, she possessed the ability to engage him with her immortality and formidable power.

Both the True Ancestors within Shirou's faction and those residing in the city of Ravenna were left dumbfounded, their disbelief palpable.


A True Ancestor who could stand toe-to-toe with Crimson Moon actually existed!

How... How could this be?

The True Ancestors were all designed based on Crimson Moon's blueprint, creatures under his dominion.

How could they possibly pose a threat to the very being they were modeled after?

Even Altrouge found herself overcome with astonishment.

She couldn't believe that the True Ancestor she had found unconscious and helpless in the past could be so powerful, not inferior to the Crimson Moon!

Amidst the ranks of the opposing faction, the one who experienced the deepest astonishment was none other than Crimson Moon himself.

"Wh... Who are you?" Crimson Moon couldn't help but inquire.

"I... I am Arcueid!" she exclaimed with conviction.

Previously, she had served as the perfect vessel for Crimson Moon, her every thought and action dictated by his bloodthirsty impulses, existing solely as an extension of his control. Yet, in this moment, she shattered the identity imposed upon her and defiantly proclaimed her true self.


She was not a mere vessel of Crimson Moon.

She was Arcueid!

As Arcueid entangled Crimson Moon in her relentless assault, Zelretch took advantage of the opportunity and launched devastating True Ether cannon bombardments from a safe distance.

Simultaneously, Shirou seized the moment to harness the power of the Tower of Light, unleashing a barrage of radiant beams upon their enemy.

Merlin and the skilled magi orchestrated a large-scale ritual, adding some suppression over Crimson Moon's body. Moreover, Merlin maintained his incantation, causing an abundance of fragrant flowers to bloom across the terrain, infusing Arcueid's body with an overwhelming surge of magical energy.

Occasionally, vivid flashes of rainbow light and the brilliance of the sun illuminated the battlefield, emanating from the mighty Sword of Mars wielded by Attila and the Galatine Holy Sword brandished by Gawain.

The conflict reached a deadlock, both sides locked in a fierce struggle.

"Fools! You are nothing but fools! Meet your demise, consumed by your own ignorance," Crimson Moon scornfully exclaimed as he forcefully pushed Arcueid aside, deftly evading Zelretch's True Ether cannon attack.

Gradually, Crimson Moon ascended to the sky, his ascent accompanied by the emergence of a colossal blood moon.

"Perish along with ignorance and the remnants of the old world!"

As if in response to his declaration, the colossal blood moon above started to manifest into a tangible, corporeal entity. Its ominous presence grew, casting an eerie glow that bathed the surroundings in an otherworldly crimson hue.