
Altrouge initiated a rebellion, rallying the True Ancestors to launch an attack against the True Ancestors and Dead Apostles who had pledged allegiance to Crimson Moon.

It was not until Altrouge unfurled the banner of rebellion that those who had submitted to Crimson Moon, the True Ancestors and Dead Apostles alike, realized her long-standing rebellious intentions. By then, she had already amassed a formidable army of insurgents!

Nevertheless, the White Wing Lord, Trhvmn Ortenrosse, refused to yield.

His unwavering loyalty to his King kept him resolute, standing proudly amidst the rebel.

Trusting in the might of his King Crimson Moon, he knew that as long as he endured the onslaught of the rebels and awaited his king's intervention, the moment of reckoning for these insurgents was inevitable.

"Oh my! What is that!?"

"What is it—?"

"What does the King... what does he want to do?"

The True Ancestors and Dead Apostles were taken aback, their voices echoing in disbelief as they ceased their actions one by one.

Even Altrouge's rebellious army came to an abrupt halt, numerous pallid faces turning their gaze skyward, their eyes brimming with despair.

A colossal presence dominated the sky.

A gargantuan planet loomed above.

This was the authentic embodiment of Crimson Moon - the genuine Moon Fall!

Different from the small version of Arcueid, Crimson Moon's Moon Fall emerges as a genuine lunar manifestation capable of launching devastating assaults!

How big is the moon?

With a diameter of approximately 3,476.28 kilometers, it occupies a volume roughly 1/49th that of Earth!

Even a small asteroid, measuring merely 10 kilometers in diameter, possessed the potential to disrupt Earth's ecosystem and trigger the extinction of the once-dominant dinosaurs.

Now, however, an authentic moon looms in the sky, poised for descent.

The implications extend far beyond the catastrophic impact it would inflict upon the Earth—the sheer audacity alone is enough to evoke terror in any observer!

As the moon takes its place in the sky, inhabitants on the European side, spanning Ireland, Britain, Gaul, and the Visigoth territories, turn their gaze upward, beholding the mammoth celestial body that dominates their view.

"What... What is that thing?"

"Oh... My... God..."

Dread gripped the people, compelling them to huddle together, their bodies trembling with fear.

Trhvmn Ortenrosse, the White Wing Lord, directed his gaze towards the moon, and his once fervent heart suddenly turned cold.

"Oh, King... Have you forsaken us as well..."

In a mere moment, his once fiery heart transformed into an icy abyss.

Betrayal and abandonment have been proven to be the most effective extinguishers of passion.

"Lord Ortenrosse, what should we do?" a concerned Dead Apostle inquired.

"The King has forsaken us. We must flee!"

"If we don't depart immediately... We're doomed!"

"But can we truly escape?"

"I don't know..."

The unwavering loyalty of the Dead Apostles had faded away.

The mighty King brazenly abandoned his subjects, prompting the people to disperse in all directions.

Grimacing, Trhvmn Ortenrosse clenched his teeth and urgently proclaimed, "Flee! If we stay, our chances of survival are nonexistent! Run! Each and every one of you, run!"

"But, my Lord..."

"We... we are without a King now," Trhvmn Ortenrosse declared, his voice tinged with solemnity.

The Dead Apostles fell into a brief silence before swiftly scattering in various directions.

Meanwhile, chaos engulfed Altrouge's faction too.

"Princess, we should make a run for it!" an anxious True Ancestor exclaimed.

"We won't stand a chance at escaping!" she clenched her teeth. "If that thing falls, there's no way anyone can get away."

"What do we do then, Princess?" the anxious True Ancestors asked.

"We take a gamble!" Altrouge's face glistened with cold sweat as she gritted her teeth. "We're betting on them—on their ability to defeat Crimson Moon!"

Altrouge's gaze shifted towards the magnificent Tower of Light, her heart silently pleading, 'My life, I'm putting it all on the line for you!'


Crimson Moon loomed high in the sky, utterly indifferent to the chaos unfolding below. "Everyone, meet your demise!"

With a swift motion, the moon-like entity descended, resembling a fiery meteor hurtling towards the earth.

Its colossal size and overwhelming weight inflicted devastating ecological devastation even before making contact with the ground.

The faces of countless people mirrored their despair, realizing that death lurked just within their grasp.

But then—

"Arise before me—!!!"

Zelretch forged a connection between myriad parallel worlds, harnessing an endless surge of magical energy that surged forth like a mighty torrent. Astonishingly, it lifted the colossal moon, measuring 3,476.28 kilometers in diameter.

Crimson Moon couldn't help but be stirred and somewhat taken aback. "This... This, can you truly lift it?"

"Do not underestimate me! Beyond you lies naught but a small moon, while within my grasp lies an infinite expanse of worlds!" Zelretch shouted.

"King Arthur—, now!" Zelretch exclaimed.

"Understood!" Shirou drew forth the holy lance Rhongomyniad from the depths of the earth, channeling the Tower of Light's immense power into a singular focal point. With unwavering determination, he unleashed the true starlight cannon, aiming it directly at Crimson Moon.

Crimson Moon instinctively sought to evade, but Merlin bolstered the suppression field while Zelretch, his voice resonant with an incantation, added his own strength to the suppression, trapping Crimson Moon's fleeing form.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom—"

Accompanied by resounding thunder, the titanic cannon tore through Crimson Moon, propelling towards the boundless expanse of the starry sky.

Crimson Moon's body began to dissipate amidst the radiant brilliance, yet his physical form couldn't be completely destroyed.

"Futile, futile. This light alone cannot eradicate me!" Crimson Moon declared, struggling to break free from the encompassing confines of the large-scale suppression field.

He struggled violently, and the sheer magnitude of the power caused the area around Crimson Moon to quake as though he was on the verge of breaking free from the overwhelming suppression field at any moment.

Shirou couldn't permit such an outcome, for it would render all his efforts futile.

"Artie, unsheathe your sword—!" Shirou called out.

"Yes—, I shall heed your command, my King!"

After being concealed for so long, the Sword of Promised Victory was finally unsheathed from its scabbard.

The fallen warriors on the battlefield, their heroic spirits and unyielding resolve, all converged into a radiant luminosity emitted by the sword.

"No... It can't be! That sword... It is...! Impossible! I have already crushed it!" Crimson Moon's calm expression shattered as it lay eyes on Excalibur in Artoria's hands.

He had been deceived!