
Waver's physical condition was downright dismal, almost akin to that of a miserable programmer from the 21st century. In his middle age, burdened by debts and sorely lacking in physical fitness, the one redeeming feature about him was his luscious, flowing black hair.

During their journey to the Adra Castle, Shirou and his group came across a priest who seemed to share Waver's sorry state.

Actually, it would be more accurate to say that this priest was being abruptly dragged along by a certain canine retainer, wailing in misery and desperately clutching his collar.

"Merem, let go! Please, let go! I'm going to die! I'm going to die!" The priest, Mr. Dawn, screamed in agony, his cries echoing through the air as Merem Solomon stubbornly yanked him by the collar. He was forcefully dragged along a never-ending, muddy road until finally being presented before Shirou and the rest of the group.

"Princess! I knew it! I knew I wasn't mistaken! It's the princess!"

"Huh?" Arcueid looked at Merem with a mixture of surprise and confusion. "Merem?"

"The illustrious Princess of Brunestud! Yes, indeed! It is I, Merem Solomon!" He exclaimed, unable to contain his happiness.

Brunestud... Waver glanced at Arcueid and couldn't help but think to himself that this girl was undeniably the True Ancestor.

"Oh, give me a break! You're practically a lapdog of Brunestud. Even if you spot the Master you serve, there's no need to get so worked up! And dragging me around by the collar... Honestly, I'm just a regular person, nowhere near your league of monsters!" Mr. Dawn grumbled, standing up with a frustrated expression.

However, it was evident that Merem paid him no attention whatsoever, not even bothering to acknowledge his existence.

"The sixth member of the Burial Agency, Mr. Dawn... Just as I suspected, the Church has decided to get involved in this whole affair," Waver remarked, fixing his gaze upon Mr. Dawn.

Mr. Dawn glanced at Waver and asked, "The Clock Tower's Magus, huh? But I don't remember ever crossing paths with you. How did you manage to figure out my identity?"

"Well, being called Brunestud's lapdog and sporting the outfit of a priest, it could only be Merem Solomon, the fifth member of the Burial Agency and the 20th Dead Apostle. The members of the Burial Agency typically operate in pairs, so it's safe to conclude that you're also part of the organization. Moreover, among the priest within the Burial Agency, the only one who would consider themselves an ordinary person is Mr. Dawn."

"Magus, you sure know your stuff," Mr. Dawn sighed, then added, "Just so we're clear, I'm just a regular technical staff member. I won't be a threat to anyone, just going along with the flow. So, please, no need to get physical with me."

"Morality doesn't leave much room for magi and priests," Waver responded, pausing briefly before shifting the topic. "But here's the deal: if you don't make a move against us, we won't be quick to make a move against you either."

Arcueid glanced at Merem with curiosity. "Merem, what brings you here?"

Merem hesitated for a moment, about to respond when his eyes unintentionally landed on Shirou, who stood beside Arcueid. Suddenly, his expression stiffened, his legs began to tremble, and he hastily bowed, "G-Good morning, Fujimaru-sama!"

Shirou nodded slightly and greeted, "Good morning, Merem."

He held a positive opinion of Merem Solomon.

Regardless of the era of the Camelot Dynasty, in present times, Merem proved to be an incredibly valuable individual. He had the ability to establish connections with the Church and even assist in keeping certain information hidden from them.

Merem played a pivotal role in helping Arcueid secure her official registration and residence in Fuyuki City, making him more like her loyal attendant.

Well, to be more accurate, he was a retainer of Brunestud.

The person whom Merem faithfully served was not Arcueid, but Brunestud, the Crimson Moon. Merem's loyalty stemmed from the fact that Arcueid was the ideal vessel for the Crimson Moon's reincarnation, and thus, Merem dedicated himself to protecting her interests.

Shirou held a favorable opinion of Merem, but the feeling was not mutual.

When Merem saw Shirou's "All the World's Evil," fear consumed him. And his "Vampiric Evil" scared him half to death.

Especially when he caught a glimpse of Shirou's unforgettable face and those fiery, burning eyes, it felt as if the slumbering King in Avalon had awakened and descended upon this world.

He was nearly scared to death!

The King of Rats frequently cautioned him against seeking out Fujimaru Shirou unless absolutely necessary.

Moreover, the crimson mud Mystic Code alone held great power in restraining Dead Apostles.

A minor misstep could result in the loss of immortality for a Dead Apostle and ultimately lead to their demise.

Hence, it was advisable to steer clear of any unnecessary encounters.

That's precisely why Merem seldom made appearances, despite being aware of Arcueid's presence in Fuyuki City.

Every time Merem laid eyes on Fujimaru Shirou, it stirred up incredibly unpleasant memories from over 1,500 years ago.

Being captured by that King, enduring the excruciating torment of having his limbs torn apart, and being preserved like some kind of specimen in a magical workshop while his abilities were mercilessly analyzed.

The suffocating despair that accompanied those experiences was something even the King of Rats wanted nothing to do with, let alone remember.

Merem's presence in the present day wasn't a result of the Witch's mercy or his own daring escape. It was because he had been traded away, like a mere bargaining chip.

"Did you come here because the Church was also interested in the so-called Holy Grail?" Shirou asked.

Merem nodded in affirmation and replied, "Yes. It's a sacred relic that the Church has been in pursuit of for over 1,500 years, so naturally, they want to reclaim it. However, throughout the centuries, the Church has encountered countless counterfeit Holy Grails, so they didn't invest too much attention in it. They simply sent the two of us."

Shirou nodded, understanding the situation.

Merem mustered a forced smile, then slightly distanced himself from Shirou. His initial excitement upon meeting the princess seemed to wane a little.

"Vroom, vroom!"

A helicopter zoomed across the sky, passing overhead and making its way straight toward Adra Castle.

Shirou's attention was drawn to the helicopter, and he turned to Waver and the rest, stating, "Looks like some people have already made their way here. Let's quicken our pace."

Although he used the term "our," his gaze specifically landed on the panting Waver, silently conveying his intended message.

"I know, I know. I'll keep up," Waver gasped for breath.

As Shirou had predicted, numerous renowned magi from various regions and families, who had received invitations to Adra Castle, had already gathered.

The helicopter descended gracefully from the sky and touched down on the ground.

"Miss, we've arrived," Auguste, the butler of the Edelfelt family, respectfully informed the elegant golden-haired girl seated in the cabin.

"I'm aware," Luviagelita Edelfelt rose to her feet with a graceful poise, emanating an air of elegance befitting a young lady.

"Miss, are you really not planning to inform Miss Rin about this?"

Luvia's face abruptly tensed, her elegance fading as she snapped, "Auguste, we're in Britain now. Don't bring up that devilish muscle woman in front of me!"

"Yes, Miss,"

"Hmph," she scoffed, a hint of annoyance creasing her features. "This elegant hall isn't a place for that muscle woman to show up. If anything goes awry and it tarnishes the reputation of the Edelfelt family, it'll be a disaster."

Auguste bowed his head silently.

In truth, he was well aware that Miss Luvia had slipped away without informing Miss Rin.

Nine years ago, after the Holy Grail War, when the Tohsaka family's Magic Crest was destroyed, Rin Tohsaka was adopted into the Edelfelt family. Despite retaining her Tohsaka surname, she had effectively become Luvia's twin, forming the Edelfelt's twin magecraft.

Auguste felt somewhat troubled by the constant clashes and explosive interactions between Rin and Luvia, despite their strong cooperation as twin magi. They seemed to throw elegance out the window, engaging in fights one day and causing explosions the next. It was quite the stain on the prestigious Edelfelt family's reputation.

Thankfully, this little secret remained hidden from prying eyes outside the Edelfelt household.

However, in the absence of Miss Rin, Miss Luvia carried herself with utmost grace and elegance, impeccably upholding the standards of nobility.

This time, when the Edelfelt family received an invitation to Adra Castle, it was Luviagelita, the Edelfelt family heiress, who arrived alone. So there was no need to worry about her tarnishing the family's reputation.

"Let's go, Auguste. There are already many distinguished guests waiting for us," Luvia said with an elegant smile, stepping off the helicopter and entering the City of Angels.


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