
Upon entering the City of Angels, Luvia sensed a spell enveloping her. However, there was no hostility. It seemed to be just a scrying spell, so she didn't let it bother her or show any signs of animosity.

In the heart of Adra Castle's central area, numerous esteemed magi had already gathered.

Heine Istari, the head of the renowned alchemist family Istari, a skilled alchemist known for fending off Church agents on multiple occasions.

Orlocke Caesarmund, a recognized authority in Butterfly Magecraft.

Jiroubou Seigen Tokitou, a representative of a Japanese Magus Family practicing the ancient art of Shugendō Magecraft.

And countless others.

They had all been enticed by the allure of the Holy Grail... Luvia couldn't help but sneer elegantly at the thought.

"Oh my, isn't this the filthy hyena of the Edelfelt family?" remarked an old man in a wheelchair, accompanied by a blond youth, as they approached Luvia.

And there stood Orlocke Caesarmund, a highly esteemed individual renowned for his extensive expertise in butterfly magecraft.

Luvia narrowed her eyes, "So the old man is still kicking, huh? Even in your advanced age, you're still drawn to the so-called Holy Grail?"

"Impossible," Caesarmund smiled and retorted, "It's all just a flashy trick. If such a thing truly existed, the Holy Church would have swept this place clean ages ago. I was invited here by the owner of the Castle, my dear friend, to witness his will."

After a brief pause, he asked, "And what about the Edelfelt family's Heyna? Are you here in pursuit of the Holy Grail?"

She responded with a slight smile, "Of course."

Caesarmund smirked, "I'm think not. Considering the Edelfelt family's reputation as Hyena, I assume you're here to lay claim to the inheritance?"

Luvia retrieved the invitation letter and declared, "It clearly states here. Attendance grants one the qualifications to inherit the estate. Since this old man so graciously referred to me as a Hyena, I simply cannot pass up this opportunity."

"Absolutely shameless... The Edelfelt family, infamous for their relentless pursuit of inheritances," he commented. "However, seizing the inheritance of Adra Castle won't be as simple as the Edelfelt family hopes."

Luvia scanned her surroundings, a confident smile gracing her lips. "With just these individuals, the Edelfelt family is bound to secure the inheritance."

Caesarmund pointed towards a woman standing on the second floor and asked, "Miss Hyena, do you recognize that woman?"

"Who is she?" Luvia asked.

"She's Adashino Hishiri, a member of the Clock Tower's Department of Policies."

"The Clock Tower's Department of Policies..." Luvia's expression involuntarily turned into a frown.

No magi would hear the mention of the "Department of Policies" and not find it troublesome.

And she was no exception. In a way, the Clock Tower's Department of Policies was akin to the Edelfelt family—a band of thieves competing to claim others' fortunes.

"Does the Clock Tower's Department of Policies have a say in the distribution of Adra Castle's inheritance?"

Caesarmund nodded affirmatively. "Indeed. Moreover, there are many others who have arrived here for Adra Castle besides these people."

Before he could finish his sentence, a powerful surge of magic burst through the door.

At the forefront was a girl enveloped in a celestial aura, resembling a youthful queen.

Luvia's heart skipped a beat, and a cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

Not only her, but every invited magus present felt a chill run down their spines.

"That... could it be..."

Caesarmund nodded solemnly and confirmed, "Indeed, it's none other than the Queen of the Clock Tower herself, Barthomeloi Lorelei."

"Is she here for the Holy Grail?" Luvia pondered.

"There's no other plausible explanation."

Taking a brief pause, he gestured towards Adashino and remarked, "See for yourself— even the woman from the Department of Policies is starting to feel the pressure."

Luvia looked up and observed the pained expression on Adashino Hishiri's face.

Indeed, Adashino was truly experiencing a headache in that moment.

The matter of Adra Castle's inheritance had been entrusted to the Department of Policies by its previous owner. However, the invitation she received contained references to King Galahad and the Holy Grail, adding a layer of complexity to the inheritance ceremony.

As numerous magi, Church members, and others who had caught wind of the news gathered at Adra Castle, the situation was becoming increasingly overwhelming.

And now, the Uncrowned Queen herself had made her grand entrance!

Barthomeloi Lorelei paid no mind to the surrounding crowd and made a beeline for the central hall. Her eyes locked onto Adashino Hishiri as she declared, "Department of Policies, the public inheritance ceremony is over. Hand over the Holy Grail to me."

Barthomeloi Lorelei's words were direct and devoid of any attempts at concealment. Her straightforwardness left the various factions present hesitant to voice their anger.

Everyone had come together with one primary objective in mind—the legendary Holy Grail held by King Galahad.

And now, this woman had brazenly declared the conclusion of the public inheritance ceremony and openly expressed her intention to seize the Holy Grail!

It ignited a fire of indignation within the hearts of those gathered, yet they dared not give voice to their anger.

Barthomeloi Lorelei, the epitome of magi in this era, held a position of authority akin to the queen of the magi, a woman even the Church hesitated to cross.

"This person... is truly domineering!" Luvia couldn't help but remark.

Caesarmund added, "That's the reigning authority among magi in our time."

Adashino hesitated for a moment and expressed her concerns, "This... Lord Barthomeloi, it seems to go against the rules of the Department of Policies.

Barthomeloi Lorelei replied, "Just surrender the Holy Grail to me. The rest can proceed as planned."

Adashino nodded, about to say something when a disdainful chuckle suddenly resounded, "Someone dares to lay their hands on my possessions. How audacious."

"Who's there?!"

Luvia was surprised.

Barthomeloi Lorelei, she was the epitome of a modern magus. Even among the Twelve Lords of the Clock Tower, nobody had the guts to challenge her like this.

Because she truly stood at the apex.

And now, someone had the audacity to defy her.

Amidst the general confusion, Lorelei's brows furrowed. Her fifty elite magi quickly geared up, surrounded by intricate ritual spells that materialized around them.

The immense surge of magical power sent shivers down everyone's spines.

According to rumors, each magus within Barthomeloi Lorelei's fifty elite magi possessed abilities that could rival those of the Dead Apostle. And the ritualistic magecraft performed by these fifty magi held an unimaginable and terrifying power.

"Well, well, this is quite amusing. The magecraft in this ritual bears some resemblance to the ancient magecraft of the Age of Gods," a slightly surprised and elegant female voice chimed in.

Luvia couldn't contain her astonishment. "That... That's..."

Her butler, Auguste, swiftly positioned himself in front of her, his muscles bulging as he remained on high alert.

Caesarmund, the renowned expert in butterfly magecraft, couldn't help but shudder, sensing the weighty atmosphere.

In the sacred City of Angels, a crimson moon hung ominously in the sky.

Some figures made their way forward. Among them was a black-haired girl, seemingly no older than fourteen, enveloped in the ethereal glow of the moonlight, her steps exuding grace.

"Dead Apostle," Lorelei's brows furrowed, her eyes gleaming with a fierce intensity.

"Outrageous! How dare you refer to our princess as a 'Dead Apostle'!" one of the dark-clad retainers bellowed indignantly.

The magus within the group of Dead Apostles cast a quick glance at Barthomeloi Lorelei's formidable fifty elite magi. His mind stirred, and in the blink of an eye, a monstrous creature, ferocious and terrifying, materialized, its razor-sharp fangs and claws charging at the magical combat unit of fifty.


The fifty elite magi unleashed a barrage of spells, obliterating the monstrous creature.

However, despite the successful slaying of the beast, the expressions on the faces of those present turned grim.

"The Night of Wallachia... It's true. That so-called 'princess' is none other than the Dead Apostle Princess and True Ancestor, Altrouge Brunestud!" Caesarmund's face was drenched in cold sweat.

And he wasn't the only one. The other magi felt a similar sense of unease.

"To think... they've managed to attract the Princess of the Dead Apostles..."

Luvia's face was also drenched in cold sweat as she whispered, "Auguste, get ready to retreat... The Edelfelt family will abandon this inheritance."

Auguste nodded, feeling a wave of relief. He had been worried that Luvia would insist on staying.

But she wasn't the only one considering retreat.

The majority of those present entertained the same notion.

With the involvement of the Queen of the Modern Magi and the Princess of the Dead Apostles, and the impending arrival of Church representatives, this conflict had evolved into a three-way struggle between the Church, the Clock Tower, and the Dead Apostles.

It was a situation that surpassed the capabilities of their respective families.

Altrouge cast a fleeting, elegant smile as she glanced at the retreating figures around her. She uttered, "Zepia Eltnam Oberon."

"Your subordinate is here!"

"Annihilate all these humans," she spoke with an elegant smile.

"As you wish—!"

The faces of the people changed drastically.

Lorelei's countenance grew icy as she asked, "Are you capable of doing that?"

Without delay, her fifty elite magi unleashed their spells.

Altrouge smiled, shifting her gaze towards Adashino Hishiri, and spoke, "Human, surrender the Holy Grail to me, and I may spare your life."

Adashino's face glistened with sweat, visibly anxious. After a brief pause, she spoke up, "Princess, we're still missing some of the participants for the inheritance ceremony..."

"Wait for the Church representatives? Pointless. I'm already here, and that thing might as well be mine," she said with a smug smile.

Suddenly, a voice came from outside the door, "Hey, Shirou! Hurry up! You won't believe how ugly that angel statue is!"

"Arcueid, just take a breath and calm down..."

A resigned voice sounded.

All eyes turned towards the door, where a lively golden-haired girl with a radiant smile was pulling a black-haired young man along.

"Huh? What's with all the commotion here?" the golden-haired girl exclaimed, taken aback.

Altrouge glanced at the golden-haired girl and sneered, "Arcueid... my foolish sister. I didn't expect to find you here as well."

"Al... Altrouge?" Arcueid, the golden-haired girl, froze in surprise.

Altrouge emitted a disdainful chuckle, and then her gaze shifted to the young man by Arcueid's side. His face and those fiery eyes caused her to pause for a moment before she trembled all over.

A sense of panic overtook her as she exclaimed, "E... Eternal King? No, it can't be! It's impossible!"