will you be my forever?

I sunk in a deep breath when Ernesto drove away from the Montgomerys castle. I swiftly took the comb from my bra. I flipped my phone screen and called Audrey. She picked on the third call.

"Hello, Audrey." No response from her. I could hear noise from the background. It could either be noise from people or Tv.

"Hello?" I said for the third time.

"April." She finally responded. I sigh in relief.

"How did it go?"

"Mission accomplished" A smile bloomed on my face.

"Great, meet me at my apartment." She didn't wait for my reply and quickly hung up. Typical Audrey, never disappoint.

"Ernesto, can you make a turn?. I want to make a stop at Audrey's apartment."

"Okay Miss Jackson"

I rested my back on the car seat feeling the fatigue gaining power over my body. It has been a long day.

The memory of the little girl streamed into my mind as it played like flashback scenes from a movie. The wooziness dominated my body again. My head swarms slamming on the seat.