Chapter 3

Michelle's pov

We both entered the class and the students were giving me the same look they had given me when I first came into the school. And I still can't find any black person.

I saw the girl I bumped into earlier sitting down with her legs on her table


"Ah Daniella" my subconscious mocks me.

She raised her head and she smiled.

"Look who is here. The black monkey" she said and all the students burst into laughter

"Hey watch it okay. it's seems you are blind. am not dark skinned and I am not a monkey idiot." I yelled back.

"As long as you're from Africa you are black and ugly" she yelled back at me


She was about to slap me again when I slapped her and we started fighting.

The door flung open. I thought it was the teacher so I released my grip on Daniella and she did the same. it wasn't a teacher but two boys. They both looked so handsome and the other students were gushing after them. Even some students were outside fangirling and I kept wondering how they were able to leave the class when the teacher was there.

"What's going on here? Haven't you guys been to an African country before? Haven't you seen an African before so why make a big fuss out of it? I don't want to hear any noise again is that clear? We all went to South Africa last year and it was beautiful right? so why are you picking on the poor girl?"

"Was he helping me or mocking me?" I asked myself.

"What power does he have to control the students like that? Who is he? I asked myself.

I fixed my hair and was about to seat down when the teacher came in. They all greeted him. He looked at me.

"You are the new student right? " He asked.

"yes sir, I am" I replied back as I took a seat beside the boy who came inside when I was fighting Daniella.

"I heard your are the lucky black girl who won the scholarship to study here?" The teacher asked.

He didn't wait for me to answer, he continued.

"You are welcome to st Mary high school miss Michelle".He said and everyone diverted their attention to me

"Thank you sir". I answered back.

"As you can see, this school is for Americans only but you got in luckily. I hope you enjoy your stay"

"My name is Mr Norman and I am your class teacher." He said.

He asked the other students to introduce themselves and they did.

That's when I found out that the guy who defended me was Alexander. Yes Alexander.

The way he said his name was weird. "Alexander the first."

I touched him and whispered thanks to him.

"Don't touch him and I didn't help you I just told them what they need to know." He answered me and rolled his eye.

Mr Norman started teaching. He was teaching algebra and I loved that subject a lot.

He taught for about 10 minutes with examples. He wrote a question on the board and asked if there is anyone who could solve it.

I and Daniella raised our hands. He called Daniella she solved hers and failed it. He then called me and I got it right. I showed Daniella her mistake and she walked out on me.

Daniella pov

I was fighting with the new girl and the door flung open. I thought it was the teacher, I didn't know it was Alex.

He was looking angry. One thing I know is he hates noise. "Haven't you seen an African before?We all went to South Africa last year and it was beautiful didn't you like it there so why make a big fuss about it"? He questioned.

"This new girl and Alex scream at me. I am going to get her back I promise." I said to myself.

The teacher came in and introduced himself, he also asked us to introduce ourselves to her. it was annoying but I had no choice.

Class started and Mr Norman was teaching my favorite subject Maths. He was teaching algebra.

He asked for who can solve a question and I raised my hands immediately. Michelle raised her hands too but I was happy Mr Norman picked me

first. I solved the question with confident but I failed it.

He called Michelle, she solved it and got it correctly.

"You made a mistake here" she was talking to me and I walked out.

The school bell rang and we all left the class.