Chapter 4


Episode 4

Michelle's pov

When Mr Norman left, all the students left too leaving I and Kate alone.

"What period is this?" I asked her.

"it's sport period Mich. join the volleyball players please. it will be fun I promise". she pleaded.

"No Nana I don't want to,i don't like the way people look at me here. What's wrong if am an African and if my skin isn't as white as yours? Did you even hear the teacher? He said I was the lucky black girl here." I asked her.

"I just came here because of my sick grandma and I haven't seen her yet. From where I come from I was treated like a queen, everyone likes and adore me but here am a different person."

"Don't you know about this school"? Kate asked surprised

"No I don't."I told her back

"How did you pass the scholarship?" she asked still surprised

"Well I saw the from online and I filled it. I love this school so much, I normally check on the school updates and the school pictures too."I told her.

"When you checked didn't you see that this school is for white people only?"She asked again

"Really, I didn't notice. Wow, I mean it's surprising. I don't even like it here anymore, I don't even have friends." I said with a sad face.

"Well I promise to be your friend and to be always there for you. I promise you. Let's just go and I promise you'll have fun" she said and drags me up.

We were walking through the school lobby when Alex and his friend Marco were walking in opposite directions. The students were fangirling over him again.

"Nana is he from a rich family too?" I asked

"Yes he is, his father is

No I cut off Nana. I don't want to know. They should just continue.

"Just like the American movies I watched there is always a cool guy whom all the girls wants to die for and Alex is one right?" I asked Kate.

"Yes he is, not only is he handsome, he plays basketball for the school and his father is," Kate was explaining when I cut her off.

"It's enough Kate,too much info." I cute her off smiling at her.

I was about to move to the other side of the lobby when I bumped into Alex. The crowd was juts too much

"Why am I bumping into people lately" I asked myself.

"I am so sorry" I apologized.

"If you want me to notice you clap for yourself because it worked. I have seen your face now you can get out of my sight" He said rudely

"so rude " I commented


"Who are you talking to?" He asked me

" You! Am talking to you. What are you going to do? I asked.

"He grabbed my wrist and squeezed it.

I moaned.

"Apologize to me right now" He said

"No I wont" I said as he continued squeezing my hand.

He squeezed my wrists harder and I whined in pain.

"Am sorry." I yelled.

"I can't hear you." He said smiling

'Am sorry, am so sorry." I said shouting.

He squeezed my hand harder and left it.

"ugly monkey"he said and left.

kate's pov

I saw Michelle bump into Alex. I felt and for her because I know what will happen next and I dare not defend her.

He squeezed her wrist and I saw her in pains. I felt so bad for her.

He released her after she said sorry.

I went up to her when Alex and Marco left.

"How is your hand? I asked her

"it's fine."she replied.

That's how he is Mich. Wait let me help you massage it" She said

"it's okay. am fine" I said

"Let's go to the volleyball court.

We both went to the volley ball court and went into the changing room to change. We met Danielle and two other friends Susan and Teresa in the changing room.

"Oh God" I said