chapter 5

Michelle's pov

"Here comes the monkey" Daniella said.

"Are you following me around?"She asked.

"Stop calling her a monkey" Kate yelled at her dangerously.

"calm down Kate let's just ignore.They don't deserve our attention."

I said.

We both went to the court and the coach paired us leaving me in Danielle,susan and Teresa's team with others too. They made sure I made mistake and kept falling.

"miss Michelle right? The coach asked

"Yes sir, I am Michelle." I replied.

You are so bad at playing volleyball." The coach told me.

"No sir,i am a good volleyball player. Danielle, Susan and Teresa kkeeps making me fall." I said.

He paired me with other girls and I played well.

Alex pov

so I just bullied a girl which is not my thing. I only bully boys but there was something about her that I really like a lot. she has nice eyes and why am I thinking of this I said to myself.

she is ugly and stupid. I said and shaked the thought out of my mind.

Danielle pov

I went back to the changing room with my friends." I am so going to deal with that new student. What does she think of herself?"

"I have to show her why I am called Danielle ."

"Yes you have to deal with her,and I know what to do". Susan said.

"Thanks girls I know I can always rely on you" I said.

Michelle's pov

We played and played until the bell rang. The coach was impressed. we went back to the locker room and changed back to our uniform. we went into the class and a new teacher came in. She was a female. she introduced herself as Mrs Angella

"Good afternoon students." She greeted us with a big smile on her face.

"Good afternoon ma'am."We greeted her back.

"You guys remember last right right, when I taught you about crystals right?"

"Yes ma'am."They all echoed.

"Well I have a project for you. This project is more of a teamwork. I want you to work as a team and make this right. I don't like the way you kids trample one each other and have friends only because of how rich and influential your family is. This project should be a means of making new friends so I'll be the one pairing you."

"To my surprise,she paired I and Kate with Alex and Marco." The other students were awwning at me while Alex gave me a death glare.

"You have three days to submit your project and points will be based on teamwork. Bye."She said and left the class.

"ugly monkey Michelle you are my lucky partner for this project. Let's see if your dumb or intelligent." He said while walking out of the class with Marco.

"What if I don't want to be your partner?" I yelled at him.

"You dare not." He said and gave me a death glare.

"Wow you're so lucky. Alex want you to be his partner. Kate asaid pinching my cheecks

"Don't make a big deal out of nothing. He is an annoying psychopath." I said.

I was about to leave when I heard one of the students discussion

"Does Alex like Michelle?" A student sitting on her table by the window asked.

"What will Daniella do?"She asked

"You know how Alex is. Girls are like toys to him,he uses and dumps, let's see how this goes." she said and laughed.

"Seems school will become more interesting.We all know Daniella likes Alex since elementary school" A guy added.

I walked straight to the chemistry lab with Kate to start my project. I saw Alex and Marco in the lab already.

I and Kate took our lab coat and wore.

"Hi Alex." Kate greeted him.

"What?" He barked.

"Do you remember how she explained the crystal growing last year." Kate asked him, trying to sound very polite.

"Do I look like a search engine?" Alex answers rudely.

"No need to be rude psycho, I know how to do it kate. it's either you drop metal salts like calcium chloride,lead nitrate or copper sulfate into a solution of sodium chloride, lead nitrate or copper sulfate into a solution of sodium silicate."


"Warm saturated solution with a crystal solute like say. sugar. alum or aniline. Then dip a bit of string into it and wait for it to cool off. The particles km the solution will aggregate around the surface of the string and create tiny seed crystal. After a few days BAAM! our gorgeous crystal is ready." I explained happily.

"Oh wow,she is a talkative."Alex commented while clapping.

"At least I am better than you. I remembered what I was taught. Dumb idiot." I replied.

How do you know all this things?" Kate asked.

"I always study." I replied while smiling.

"Don't you talk Marco, you can help by contributing too." I asked.

"I am sorry, I don't like talking but if you need my help in any way I'll help." He said.

"Why are you telling her sorry, she doesn't deserve it." Alex reprimanded Marco.

"He is still better than you dumbo." I mocked him.

"Thank your stars, I am not in the mood to make your life miserable."He said and walked out while Marco followed him.

Daniella's pov

I was walking pass the chemistry lab when I was Alex, Kate, Marco and Michelle together.

"It's so annoying. I can't bear seeing them together. That girl is taking my spot and I won't allow it. Alex is mine, so is the school. I still remain the queen." I said and walked out angrily.