Chapter 6

*****Michelle's pov******

We were still in the laboratory arguing when the school bell rang.

"I have to go now Michelle,bye and take care." Kate said standing up and hugging me.

"Bye Nana." I said to her and smiled.

"Why did you call me Nana. My name is Kate Smith." she corrected me.

"I know Kate, I just like calling my friends Nana. it's cute." I said pinching her cheeks.

"okay dear bye. Take care." Kate said and left.

"Let's go Marco. Don't let us stay with this monkey." Alex said and laughed.

They both left me in the laboratory while I continued studying.

Few minutes later I heard the thunder strike.

"oh no. This is really bad." I said to myself.

I dialed my mom's number, it's switched off. I also dialed my dad's number it's also not available. I decided to run downstairs maybe I'll see a cab or any student to help me because it was getting late and I need to get home so my parents won't be worried.

I ran downstairs but almost all the students were gone. The rest were also stranded and looked like they needed help getting home.

I spotted Alex walking towards a car while a man in black suit held an umbrella for him.

"Alex! Alex! " I screamed him name. He turned back.

"What do you want now?" He asked angrily.

"Are you the owner of that car?" I asked curiously.

"And so, are you into guys that drive this kind of cars?" He asked knowing it will make me angry.

"Seriously?" I asked angrily.

"Yes,yes,yes and so." He yelled back.

"Can we please share the umbrella." I asked half begging, half commanding.

"Ewww no, no way. If I share an umbrella with you I might get stuck by lighting. Hell no."He said and walked away.

"Alex please." I yelled and thunder strikes.

The man in black suit opens the door for him. He got in and the man closes the door back and they drove away while I used my hands to rub my arms to warm myself.

******Alex pov*****

Michelle called me and asked if we could share an umbrella.

"Ewww no way. If I share an umbrella with you I might get stuck by lighting. Hell no." I said to her and I noticed the sad expression on her face.

I walked up to my car and got in. The car drove off.

"Alex please help." I heard her voice.

On a second thought I stopped the driver.

"I have to deal with her. Let me make her life miserable. It will be fun." I said to myself.

******Michelle's pov********

I dashed into the rain and ran after his already speeding car.

"Alex please help." I yelled and the car stopped.

The car door opened and I ran inside.

"Thanks Alex. At least there is small good in you."

I said

"Awwnn now the seats are wet and don't thank me because I'll have to get something in return. I don't just help people." He said.

"What do you want now?" I asked nervously.

"Well you just have to be my PA. You'll do whatever I ask you to do without questioning." He said smiling.

"Are you crazy? just because you want to help me uhh? " I screamed at him.

"Stop the car." Alex commanded the driver who was also in black suits.

The car stops.

"Okay fine I'll do it. I promise." I said trying to convince him so he'll drop me off at my house.

He brought out a paper and a pen from his bag.

"Here, have this." He said and gave me the pen and paper.

"Now write. I Michelle uhhh what's your surname again?" He asked

"it's Adefarasi." I answered.

"Okay now you write. I Michelle Adefarasi." He said pronouncing the Adefarasi in a funny way. Promise Alexander Williams to be his Personal Assistant and do whatever he asks me to do. sign Here." He said looking at me to make sure I did all he said.

I wrote everything he had said and I also signed.

"Can we go now? " I asked.

"Yes."he said smiling.

He told the driver to start driving and I told him my address.

"Get ready to have a miserable life here Michelle." He said laughing slightly.

"You should also know I don't back down easily." I said back smiling.

"Are you challenging me?" He asked looking angry.

"I am not. I am just telling you the truth." I said back.

"Whatever, you are still my P. A and you have to do whatever I ask. Fail to do so and I sue you." He said.

The driver stopped.

"This is your stop ma'am." He said.

"Don't call her ma."Alex corrected him harshly.

"Whatever please borrow me the umbrella I'll bring it tomorrow." I pleaded.

"No." He replied almost immediately as if he knows I'll ask for it.

I saw my house gate open and a car coming out of it. I spotted my dad and my mom in the car. I rushed out of the car into the heavy rain. My mom ran out of the car also with an umbrella after spotting me.

She covered me with the umbrella and hugged me.

"I am so sorry baby. My phone was switched off that's why I decided to come pick you up myself. How is your body? Hope you aren't feeling too cold? "She asked.

"I am fine mom. My classmate helped me." I told her.

My dad drove back in and joined us holding another umbrella.

Alex Came down from his car and the man in black suit held the umbrella for him.

"Thank you so much for helping my daughter. "My dad thanked him.

"You are welcome sir." He said politely and I kept wondering why he is acting so nice.

"Please come inside let me make you a cup of hot cocoa." My mom asked him.

I am okay ma'am and I'll like to go now. Nice meeting you Mr and Mrs Adefarasi." He said politely again pronouncing the "Adefarasi" wrongly.

The man in black suit opened the door for him again, he got in,closed the door and they drove off while I and my parents went into the house.

"Where is grandma? How is she doing? " I asked my parents.

"She is upstairs." They both echoed. "The first room by the right." Dad completed.

I ran into the room and met my grandparents inside. My grandmother was on the bed while my grandfather was sitting. I knelt down greeting my grandfather. Then I ran to my grandma who I lying on the bed. She opened her eyes.

I sat on the bed and hugged her.

"How are you grandma?" I asked while crying even though I know she isn't doing well.

"I am fine dear." She said cleaning the tears from my eyes.

"Do you need anything?Food just tell me grandma." I asked.

"No baby. No. I am meeting my grand-daughter after so many years. I want to cherish my time with you baby." She said smiling.

I hugged her back.

"Tell me how school was. Your parents didn't let you rest for just today. They send you to school." She said.

"Well granny I hate missing school. Having a perfect attendance is the best. Beside my classmates,even the whole school doesn't like me." I said with a sad face.

"Why would you said that baby? "My grandpa asked.

"Stop eavesdropping." My grandma cautioned him.

"She is also my grand-daughter too."My grandpa replied.

"You too stop arguing please." I said smiling.

I narrated how I entered the school and how the students started at me and how I fought with Daniella.

"What! You fought today?" My grandma asked.

"Yes ma'am." I said sadly.

"At least I have a new friend called Kate and I am home safe. My classmate helped me." I told them.

"That's so nice. A boy or a girl?"My grandpa asked.

"It's a boy grandpa." I said laughing.

"Go freshen up dear then come back with the full gist." My grandma said.

I left her room and went straight to mine.