Madeline has sold five additional pieces to the art gallery since Katelyn came home. Arellia even offered to double her payment if she finishes four more paintings by the end of the month, claiming it's for one of their renowned clients in France.
Madeline inspects her finished pieces one last time. You didn't think I have what it takes, did you, Stan? Always telling me my art is a waste of time. Well, I just proved you wrong.
She set up a small studio in the kitchen because it's the only room in the apartment that gives her ample space. Madeline misses her large workshop but figures her happiness is more important than a fancy workspace.
What should I paint next? Grabbing a new canvas, she places it on her easel.
"I'm going to work, Mom," Katelyn replies, walking toward their entryway. Madeline helped her get a job in the cosmetic department at the mall.