"Hello, little girl! Is daddy home? I would like to have a word with him. We just moved in the neighborhood and I was told that all new comers must meet your dad to tie business." said the tall man with a grin on his face.

"D-Daddy is inside with mommy. He would be happy to see you Mr? " she asked all shaky.

"You can call me Mr. Rom" he said while giving the biggest smile Bree has ever seen.

"Just a moment, please" she said before sprinting towards her parents room. She knocked before entering as per the house rules.

"Daddy! There's a man named Mr. Rom here to see you! Come quick! " she yelled before sprinting back to the driveway.

Mr. Dallas walked out to the driveway with a puzzled expression on his face, not knowing who is coming after him. There were several times where Bree's family was attacked. Mostly because of business rivalry but seldom due to personal vengeance. He hid a gun underneath his clothes in the back of his jeans before walking outside, just to be safe. His whole expression changed after he saw the man outside.

"Rom my man! How are you doing, mate? " they both had a reunion hug moment there leaving Bree in so much confusion. At that moment Mrs. Dallas walked out with young Bryce in her arms, sleeping peacefully all wrapped up in a napkin.

"Breanna! How long has it been? " she walked towards Mrs. Rom. They were chit chatting when they noticed Bree standing there with her jaw almost to the ground.

"Bree! My dead I almost forgot the introduction! This is my friend Mr. Rom and this is his wife Himiko. Most importantly, this is Qif. Their son. He's just 20 days younger than you, Bree. What a coincidence! " they all started laughing and heading towards the living room, leaving Bree behind with Qif.

"So, Qif! Nice to meet you, I'm Bree! " Bree put her hand out for a fist bump.

"Nice to meet you, Bree! " he bumped her fist back.

Ever since then, Bree and Qif became inseparable. They did everything together. They even went to the same school. Even their classes were next to each other. The only thing separating them was the winter break that came by every year. Qif's family often traveled to their hometown in Canada for the holidays to visit his grandparents. Even so, they'd still Skype each other on the week of Christmas. The most famous partners in crime. Everybody wanted to have a friendship like theirs. Despite that, they had a fight once. It was the first and last fight they had. That fight changed their whole friendship.

It was the last day of summer holiday in their sophomore year in high school. They had to choose a partner for from as only sophomore students were allowed to have a prom event. Bree was so excited to go with Qif but it seemed like he had other plans.

"Qiffyyyyy! So, prom! Do you wanna like go together, not as a couple or anything just as friends you know what I mean? We'll just hang by the punch bowl and party together. What do you say? " Bree went up to him all excited.

"Sorry, Bree. I kind of promised Deana that I'll be her date for prom. I mean you could still come with us if you want. Maybe you could ask that Conor guy to go with you. You do know he likes you, don't you? " Qif let out an awkward laugh.

"Yeah! Uhm! Maybe I will" she let out a similar laugh. Just when Bree was about to head off, Deana made an appearance at the scene.

"Well, if it isn't Bree! The girl who's always all over my boyfriend! Honestly, when are you going to get that he doesn't like you that way? " she spat out. Lucky for her, Qif wasn't close enough to hear her awful accusation.

"We're just friends, Deana! Nothing more and nothing less! " Bree let out furiously. "Are you jealous that he spends more time with me then you, little girl" Bree smirked as she bent down to meet Deana's eyes. Being 5'7 at the age of 17 was one of Bree's biggest flexes. It surely pissed Deana off. She stomped her way to Qif and acted as if nothing happened.

Ever since Qif asked Deana out, Bree felt herself growing distant from him. She hated it. She yet chose to stay silent as she didn't want to hurt his feelings nor did she want him to feel that Bree was clinging on to him, which she wasn't. All she wanted was her best friend back. Just the way it used to be. She chose not to attend the prom that day.

*next day*

It was the day everyone was waiting for. High school graduation day! Bree got up early to get ready when she noticed she had 28 missed calls from last night. It was from Qif. She purposely didn't answer the phone to avoid explaining why she didn't bother to show up. Besides, she felt it was the best way to let Qif have a good time with his lady. She swiped her phone open to uncover 30 texts from him. She was reading it one by one when the last few sentences caught her eyes. She felt as if she was stabbed a million times across her heart.

"I can't break up with Deana even if you wanted me to, Bree. I can't believe you would be so naive to think my affection and care towards you was because I wanted to date you. No wonder you asked Deana to break it off with me instead. I'm so disappointed in you, Bree! You're very lucky that you ain't here tonight or else it would have been nasty! " read the last few sentences. She was shook that he believed Deana without asking her side of the story. Bree didn't even spare a glance at both of them during the graduation even though they were seated right next to each other. That was the day she last saw him. She tried texting him over the years to wish him on his birthday and Christmas but he never bothered to read it.

It has been about 7 years since that incident.

*end of flashback*