
Arvast's grey visor glows blue, numbers passing through her vision in quick succession as she looks at the titan Glitch. She also has her small trident aiming towards the Glitch, as if it is a dowsing machine.

Casper-sky floats beside her, ready to defend her comrade from incoming attacks. It has been 3 minutes since the appearance of the new user. The commander gives her the command to find the weakness of the large monster to gain an advantage.

In those 3 minutes, the titan Glitch has also covered quite the distance to make the situation worrying. Their backup is not coming soon and her officers are starting to feel their exhaustion taking over.

The visor returns to grey, numbers fade away from her vision before she turns to Casper-sky. "Commander, I have finished the analysis and a plan has been formed." Casper-sky nods to let her proceed.

The black fighter begins explaining the plan to her commander, who absorbs all the information without trouble. Casper-sky analyzes the plan, trying to discern any flaws in it before approving the plan.

"I shall execute the plan now. Please do your part too Commander." Arvast robotically salutes before disappearing into the forest like a shadow. Casper-sky sighs as she knows the consequences of her action.

But this mission must be done as too much life is at stake. For now, she must execute the plan and, hopefully, stop the monster in time. In the best case scenario, they won't need the help of their backup.

The eagle armored woman takes herself into the sky and scours the forest to look for the second person for the plan. It didn't take long for her with the commotion Defender is doing. Scorched, fallen trees and slashed trunks can be seen everywhere around her as she continues to create chaos.

The girl is clearly swinging her sword like a bat, a clear sign of inexperience exposed to the world. Casper-sky has to give credit for the girl as her wild swings still manages to cleave through few of her opponents.

But they cannot afford to have distractions anymore, thus Casper-sky manifests her arm cannon and quickly shoots down any Glitches that would attack Defender.

The Defender stops her assault and looks up to the sky before making a sigh of relief. She desperately needs help the whole time, and the lack of backup has been taking a toll on her. She plunges her falchion into the ground and relaxes for a moment while Casper-sky descends.

"Thanks for the help," she leans into her falchion like a crutch and recuperates herself. "Do you need anything? I saw your blast barely did anything." The commander nods as she approaches the girl.

"The shell is far too tough, and retalitates at contact." Casper-sky flinches slightly remembering the close call. "We need you to pump all your power into your sword and finish off the titan Glitch, Spam, when you get my signal."

"So I have to be the one to finish it off?" The girl states before pushing herself upright and hefts her falchion on her shoulder. "I'll try my best for this then. I just don't know how long I need to charge this."

"A 5 seconds will do. But until you see the signal, continue what you're doing." Defender nods, acknowledging the command before splitting off from the woman and diving deeper into the forest.

Casper-sky turns to the direction of the Spam, wondering when she will do her part of the plan. Until then, she has to keep a kilometer away from the Glitch and wait.

Arvast continues dashing through the shadows courtesy to the foliage and the trunks. To the naked eyes, she looks like a black gust of wind passing by everything with minimal contact. She avoids any unnecessary encounters, and her steps are swift and calculated.

The dark colors of her armor helps her avoid detection of Spam, as none of the turrets aims at her despite she is inside it's 1 kilometer range. The plan has been working out for her so far, as she has calculated that activating stealth mode allows her to get past the turrets.

Another step from the monster, another quake happens on the ground. She hops in time to avoid going off balance and uses the momentum she builds by her speed to continue her way towards the Glitch.

'230 meters left.' She notes it in her mind before swiveling to the left to avoid a tree and run past a minion Glitch. She readies her small trident as the legs of the Spam comes into her perivision.

'100 meters left.' She made a small hop off a ledge before landing right in front of the Spam's right frontal leg. Quickly observing her surroundings, she dashes towards the leg and begins her work.

'Beginning corrupting Glitch.' She begins by stabbing her trident into the leg with all of her strength. The tips pierces through the 'skin' and into the 'flesh', causing a red texture beginning to spread across the leg quickly.

The Spam shrieks in surprise and pain before trying to look for it's assailant. All of it's turrets face upward while it scours it's surroundings. Before long, another series of pain courses through the rests of its legs.

The monster looks at its right frontal leg and realizes its legs have taken on a red texture. Now it knows what is happening to itself. Something has breached its protection and is beginning to corrupt it.

With its leg in its corruptive state, the affected areas are now rendered useless and it cannot continue its advance towards human civilization. Without paying any mind towards its own preservation, the Spam swiftly commands the turrets to take aim on the ground before firing a barrage of laser shots.

At a kilometer away, Casper-sky sees the rampaging monster being distracted as the opportunity to execute her part of the plan. Once again, she readies her strongest attack and takes aim.

'Aim for the small part of the shell where the turret is not firing.' She reminds herself in her mind as she puts all of her concentration into aiming. Arvast has made the calculation that the true weak spot is the dummy turret that it has instead of the head. Trusting the snake's plan, she will go through with attacking the weak spot.

As she continues to try and find the weak spot among the dust the rampage has generated, she finally notices the dummy turret, which is situated near the front middle of the shell. Without hesitation, Casper-sky fires towards her target.

The blast flies true and hits its mark. The shell begins to crack like an egg shell and its entire shell splits in half. The monsters, in pain but helpless, can only scream in pain once more as its demise approaches.

The Defender swings her falchion at another minion Glitch, defeating it in the process before noticing the rainbow blast in the air. Seeing it as a sign, she brings her sword to an upright position with the flat end on her face.

Electricity begins coursing through her body and then towards the falchion, where it changes its blade color to yellow. Defender could tell it is not enough, thus pouring more electricity into the weapon.

The electricity on the blade begins to swirl wildly before crackling around its general vicinity, burning away anything it touches. The tiger trusts her sword upward, creating a pillar of electricity to shoot upward.

With a large swing, she brings down the pillar of lightning downwards and cleaves through the forest and the Glitch like a hot knife through butter. A few seconds later, the pillar of lighting slowly dissipates into nothingness.

Defender heaves a sigh of exhaustion before falling down on her knees, releasing the falchion from her hand. She doesn't know if she did it, but for now she needs to recover.

At the beaten path created from the lightning pillar, a pool of shadow slowly emerges to reveal Arvast. The woman looks around the damage before walking towards where the Spam used to be.

She considers this plan a success, where casualties are at the minimum and no need for the incoming backup. The only thing she has to do left is-

She hops out of the way from an incoming attack and doesn't hesitate to take out three throwing knives from her storage belt to throw it at the assailant. All of the knives bounces awar, as if they hit a wall.

The assailant looks like the Spam, but is bipedal and smaller in size. The shell it has is full of cracks and the front limbs are red in texture, which is spreading through its body. The monster rapidly breathes as if it has run out of air before charging at Arvast with a crazed scream.

The woman merely side-steps from its reckless attack before stabbing her small trident on its nape, defeating it in the process.

The corruption on its body spreads rapidly before the Glitch reduces into blue motes of light. In the place of the former monster is a red core which Arvast picks it up.

The sound of helicopters passing by catches her attention and notices a fleet of them are passing by. She could tell the helicopters are the backup as the iconic color of blue and yellow is undisguisable.

With the core in hand and nothing left to do, she left the area like a wind.

If she had stayed longer, she would have noticed a glowing eye observing her.