
"Here is the report, ma'am." Noelle places a brown folder on the table before robotically turns away from Aquila to leave the room. Before she could even take a step forward, the said commander stops her.

"I want to discuss a matter concerning you, actually." Noelle nearly scoffs in her mind, stopping herself in time before obeying the commander. She sits in front of the commander, staying silent as she waits.

A minute of silence later, Aquila bows to Aquila in an apologetic manner. "I am sorry for forcing you to use Arvast." The woman speaks from the bottom of her heart, hoping her subordinate would find it in her to forgive her.

For a few moments, she remains in that position as silence permeates in the room. Before long, a sigh of exhaustion escapes from Noelle. "As much as I wish to be mad at you, commander, I understood the stake before."

Aquila looks up to Noelle, who has a tired look. Her eyes are droopy with black circles, hidden with makeup, around them. It seems the bispecticle girl barely got any sleep in the past few days.

"Which is why I should be the one apologizing." This time, Noelle is the one bowing her head. "I should've kept my emotions and anxiety in check on the battlefield to ensure our operation was a success."

Understandably, the commander quickly tries to assure the other woman to lift her head up. "Even if that was the reason, I should apologize no matter what."

Noelle solemnly nods, agreeing that perhaps it is both of their faults. "Then… I suppose we can shake our hand and consider it resolved?" Both of them reach out their hand and shake it. Noelle didn't smile, but there is a clear sign she feels more relaxed.

"Now then, tomorrow you should take a day off. The last few days have been hectic for all of us." Indeed it has, as they have taken down the titan Glitch, Spam, before their allies arrive in time. It has caused a bit of ruckus on the international side of things as some resources are spent to even come to their aid.

But in the end, they only compensate it monetarily and some data they have gotten from their research. Not that they would mind anyway, since these data will be given to the international researchers as reference.

For now, they would have to return to their daily life once more.

"Very well ma'am. I will take my leave now." Noelle says before leaving the room without another word. The woman sighs before pinching the bridge of her nose. She wonders why the recent developments have been rapid and why drama seems to be coming to this station.

Regardless, she must continue her paperwork before the end of the day. For now, there will be peaceful days. She could only wait for new developments in the next few days from the R&D team.

On another side of the building, Xing Tian diligently does the paperworks that is assigned to her. A fairly simple report that she must write for her commander before the day ends. She writes down any details that are relevant to the battle against the Spam, but she feels she could barely write much as she has minimal involvement in terms of executing the winning plan.

'It is still work,' she thought to herself before sipping a cup of water. When no liquid enters her mouth, she realizes that she must have dried up the content already. Well, getting water is as good of a time as any to stretch her legs!

Without hesitation, she left her desk for the break room for her cup of water. The girl wonders where Noelle has gone to for the past few days. She tries to probe answers from Jace, but the man just gives her an answer.

"Give her some time. Until then, wait for her."

She is patient, thankfully, or else she would have run to Aquila for the answers of her absence. Nevertheless, her worry for her new friend still creeps up in her mind once in a while.

That is until she sees her friend passing by the break room with a file in her hand. Xing Tian quickly leaves the room to catch up to the woman, wishing to both greet her and find answers.

"Miss Noelle!" She calls out to the woman who reacts to her. She turns around to see her junior jogs to her with a bright smile. "I haven't been seeing you for a while. Are you okay?" From the girl's perspective, she can see the woman barely slept at all.

Her worries intensifies, but she shouldn't pester the woman with many questions yet.

"I am fine for now, Xing Tian." The woman gives a soft smile to reassure the girl. "But I would not be coming to the station tomorrow as per the commander's order." She would have more work to do when she comes back after the break, but she appreciates Aquila deciding this course of action.

"I see…" Xing Tian speaks softly while slowly nodding. "Then is it okay for me to visit after work tomorrow?" She is curious about their place of stay, and hopefully she can also learn new things about the siblings.

"No." Noelle simply says, earning a perplexed Xing Tian. As the girl continues to process this, Noelle continues. "I rather not be bothered by anyone during my break."

The woman turns away from the girl and makes her escape. She has a feeling that if she stays longer the girl will pester her for why she won't allow the girl to visit her. She did mean it when she didn't want to be bothered during her break.

But she also doesn't want the junior officer to find out what she does during her breaks, especially her chocolate binging. That is the one thing she absolutely cannot allow anyone except her brother know.

Xing Tian remains stunted on the spot before muttering a "what". She blinks twice quickly before sighing in defeat. She suppose she is advancing a bit too fast. They only know each other for a few weeks, so something this private is not a good idea.

At the very least, the woman seems to be in a better mood compared to the day she became Arvast.

She remembers the expression of the woman once she dematerializes her A.V.E. The cold expression, the pale face, it made Xing Tian shiver. There is a difference between being cold and being strict.

But now, with the mood of the woman lifted, she could tell Noelle has looked much more relaxed than before. Hopefully the woman would rest enough to work efficiently.

Speaking of work…

"I'm gonna have to go back to do it now." With a small sigh, she turns to the opposite direction and returns to her desk. For now, she has to get her report done soon or else things will not end well for her.

The day continues as the sky turns from blue to orange hue. The sun slowly sets over the horizon as time goes. Some officers have left the station, while some stay behind to wait for someone to take over their shift.

Xing Tian stretches and moans as her muscles relax. She looks around to see people leaving for the day before deciding to leave. Picking up her belongings, which is not much, she leaves the office area to go home.

On the way, Tom stops her and walks up to her. "I'm glad you haven't left yet." Xing Tian tilts her head in curiosity, wondering why the man wants to talk to her.

"I just requested one of my old associates to allow you to visit the ruin." He then grins ear to ear. "They told me that you have the permission to go there by tomorrow!"

Xing Tian's eyes expand into the size of a dinner plate before a smile creeps on her face.

Finally, progress of her own journey!