Habakkuk’s Mysterious Assassin!

The mysterious assassin went rushing at Habakkuk with her two pink aura blades while he froze there in that moment. When reality finally hit him again he was almost close to being sliced in half, but luckily he dodged in that instant. But when he dodged, a few pink particles hit the ground right by him, and it caused a bunch of explosions. Habakkuk realized this was all going down in a city at night while everyone was asleep, so he had no choice but to try to flee the area.

Habakkuk started running with his immense speed, trying to escape the city and her. While Habakkuk ran, She was running on top of buildings shooting aura blades and aura spears at him. Habakkuk would jump out of the way and dodge as much as he could, but suddenly she would appear in front of him and punched him in the gut. He coughed out spit and then he would shoot a small flash bomb at the ground with his blast to blind her and make his quick escape. He ran at a faster paste this time. About time she gained her sight back, he was already on the other side of the city.

Habakkuk was in an open field where no person and or animal was located.

Habakkuk:Now I can fight without having to worry about the safety of others or another huge fuss in the news about supernatural events, it took the government a stressful amount of time to convince the people that it was just a hoax. Scientists still try to investigate further.... But wait who was that person? And why are they trying to kill me? That energy feels sort of familiar and my powers feel kind of weird… and she's even stronger than me in the forms we are using right now...

A loud explosion went off in the open field… The mysterious girl would then walk out of the explosion with a pink aura surrounding her body and now she had a pink aura scythe…

Habakkuk:Okay who are you and why are you trying to kill me?!

The girl didn't say anything… she just rushed at him!

Habakkuk:Ah crap!!

Habakkuk jumped out of the way quickly and backflipped away. He would then get into a fighting stance.

Habakkuk:So you wanna go? Okay let's go! I've been needing to stretch my body anyways.

Habakkuk smirked as a sweat drop would come from his cheek, her energy was finally starting to be sensed and it was really affecting him.

Habakkuk:What the heck is wrong with me? Why am I reacting this way to her? I'm not scared… no it's something far different! Forget it I'm not backing down!

Habakkuk would make his green aura go around him as he started to get serious, and then she charged at him at insane speeds.

She would try to slice his face, he ducked and punched her in the gut and kicked her a few feet away, she stumbled back and charged at him violently with an even faster speed than before.

Habakkuk:Woah she's even faster than me! Crap now I really have to stay on my game!

She would slash at Habakkuk some more, and he was trying his very best to dodge her attacks at all cost. She would knee him in the gut and grab him by the hand and start swinging him around until she threw him thousands of feet in the air. She would then appear above him with a heavy aura charged axe kick. A green aura would burst out of Habakkuk's body as he used the secret arts to counter her kick. He would grab her by her feet and twist her around, throwing her to the ground, she would then catch herself by levitating in the air.

Habakkuk:Hold on you can fly?!!

She would then headbutt him and then she wrapped her legs around his neck and she would throw him to the ground, causing a huge crater.

Habakkuk:Just who is this girl… it's like I'm fighting a female Sethnos… wait that's it!

Habakkuk got a good look at her and sensed her energy and realised why his body was acting the way it was…

Habakkuk:She's also a gatekeeper!

She instantly dashed at him and uppercutted him into the air, she would follow it up by kicking him higher into the air and she would then appear over him with a barrage of punches, not holding them back at all. She would then kick him to the ground and fired a huge amount of mini pink aura spears at him. He would then make his aura explode as the spears got destroyed.

Habakkuk would then use Secret arts and Gaylena's power, mixing both the green and blue aura together.

It seemed like the girl was already in her first berserk state, her claws were showing and her energy was extremely sinister, as her pink aura turned darker and her hair spiked up a bit.

She charged at him and he would charge at her, and their aura clashed! She fought like she was reckless and berserk while he used his advanced martial arts to get around her. She was extremely dangerous and unpredictable. She would then make aura claws to try to slice him apart. Habakkuk would use the cobra style technique, sharpening his fingers to be like blades and then both of their sharp weapons clashed. Habakkuk would then use the goddess pistol to send her flying back. Habakkuk would then appear over her with a butterfly kick but with the aura of a green kangaroo. She went crashing down to the ground and then he quickly switched up his style to the tiger style of secret arts. He ran at her with all fours and jumped at her, she quickly dodged but he appeared behind her with an elbow to the face and he would then hit her with the galaxy colored void fist, making a bunch of different aura colors appear out her back. And then he would use Gaylena's power to send out a huge pack of wolves made out of her blue aura to explode on impact. As the explosion hit her, she had a burst of dark pink aura emerge from her. She was now in the second state of berserk and she appeared right in front of him, stabbing him in the rib. Blood leaked out and Habakkuk's eyes widened.

Habakkuk looked down at the stab wound and coughed up blood. She would then kick him in the gut, sending him flying into a ton of huge rocks.

She would then proceed to make her aura erupt, as she conjured up a huge pink aura whip to finish him off. She would then hold out a whip that extended over 1,000 feet long over her head and she would then send it crashing down on the rocks Habakkuk was located in, destroying everything in that area. As the dust cleared… A lime green aura was shown out in the distance… Habakkuk's eyes were lime green and his hair spiked up, he had claws and fangs out, with the look intended to kill. He was in the second state of berserk ready to approach the third. She looked puzzled for the moment but then she went dashing at him, and he went dashing at her as well. His muscles bulked up as he charged at her, they would then clash and they were in a hand lock, nun letting go. Habakkuk's aura got more intense and he looked even more monstrous than before, he was now in the third state! He would then kick her in the gut, sending her to the ground and he ran at her on all fours. She wasn't able to keep up, he appeared right behind her and punched her in the rib, then he kicked her in the gut, and followed that up with a slice to the face… he ended up clawing a small piece of her mask off revealing part of a beautiful girl's face. He would then start to grab his head and begin to fight the berserk power, he was trying to be his normal self again… She noticed the struggle he was going through and was confused…

Steam could be seen coming from Habakkuk's body, he was less bulky and monstrous… he didn't have long claws and fangs anymore, they were now short and he seemed more in control. His hair was still spiked up but it was now brown with green tints and his eyes were pure lime green but his pupils weren't reptile like no more. He was now in the Controlled Berserk state 3.

Habakkuk:Shall we continue?

Her eyes widened and she continued to witness the display of Habakkuk's power as his aura kept increasing rapidly and shaking the area, rocks floating, and the ground breaking apart.

Habakkuk smirked

Habakkuk:I had a lot of practice over the past few months to finally achieve this! This is the Controlled state of the Berserk form that I just took a few moments ago. So are you game for another battle or are you going to back out?

Habakkuk got into his fighting stance and his aura increased in size even more than before.

The girl looked at Habakkuk amazed by his power… but she would then notice a piece of her mask is off… so she would shoot a storm of spike blasts towards Habakkuk to distract him and then she would jump into the air and retreat. She instantly returned from where she came from…

Habakkuk:That was weird… but I guess that's that. What a shame I wanted to keep going.

Habakkuk returned to his normal form…

Habakkuk:Another gatekeeper? A female one… that's interesting, i never would've thought i'd see another one... no wonder why I lost control and went berserk so easily, I was caught off guard and I even went into the third state. She was a really great fighter even though her moves were sloppy and too aggressive, but man she was amazing… i'm excited I never felt so amazed by someone before… man this girl! I need to fight her again! I wonder when she'll return, I'm excited!!

Two figures appeared in Habakkuk's mind… The berserk one had a surprised expression on his face but he smiled… and the dark figure only stared…

Habakkuk would then head home happy and he laid in his bed with a huge smile on his face, looking up at the ceiling…

Habakkuk:Man she was powerful… I want to know more about her… maybe I'll try to find Sethnos and ask… well he might try to kill me though… ahh whatever.

Habakkuk would then fall asleep in his bed, satisfied....

Narrator Habakkuk:I never felt so excited about fighting someone before… it felt great… it was like her aura was drawing me to battle her even more.. Her power was kind of different, but it was cool. I didn't think there were other gatekeepers besides Sethnos and I. I hope I get to fight her again, she was amazing… but why were those two sitting there in my head like that? Did you guys peep that? Also something in my body feels weird but I can't put my finger on it... Well find out what happens in the upcoming episode!