The Unexpected Reunion!

Matt was experimenting with Adron in one of the training chambers in his lab. This Training was meant to calculate Adron's speed and fighting ability. Matt was outside of the chamber cranking up the speed and attack potency of the training bots in the chamber. Adron was battling against robots and drones that attacked him and shot multiple photon blasts at him. Adron's eyes went red and he instantly speed blitz at least 12 robots in under a second, destroying them completely. The drones would fire blasts at him, but he would quickly appear above them with his insane speed. He would kick one, punch another, smashed one, and then phased his hand right through another. Then some attack robots came at Adron with high speeds and they all ran circles around him, Matt would continue to crank up the speed of the robots to truly challenge Adron. They got even faster than before, with speeds almost immeasurable.They made a tornado around Adron, knocking him down and cutting him all over. They were really starting to outpaste and wound him.

Adron:Damn it! This aint my limit! I can still go!!!

Red electricity went around Adron's body, and his hair turned red and spiky as well as his eyes shot crimson. He transformed into the crimson shock from and instantly out maneuvered the bots. He went wild, he would run around making a red tornado that instantly destroyed theirs. Then he would instantly stab one through the chest, kick another's head off, rapidly punch another until it's armor was no more, and he would then run right through the other's and let out a red mouth blast destroying all of the rest.

Adron went back into his normal form and stepped outside of the chamber.

Matt:You beat your last record, these robots were at least 3 times as strong as they were last time, so that means you're way stronger than you were 4 months ago!

Adron:So all that training did pay off after all, cool!

Matt:Alright let me go put these documents up and yeah we can gon see what the others are up to.

Matt would record the information and walk into a secret room with an armored suit on a table, and he would put the recorded files into the suit and integrate it.

Matt:This suit will have the files of everyone on the team in case we ever need it, and then it will be the strongest arsenal we have, it will be our trump card and final ace in the hole with due time…

Laci was training with Nakir, she was coming at him with everything she had in her normal form while he blocked and countered her attacks.

Nakir:Come on Laci, you can do better than this!

Laci:You're right! I can!

Laci would instantly shoot a pink heart blast at the ground by Nakir, causing him to leap into the air, then she appeared right behind him with a kick, he would try to counter that kick but that wasn't her plan, she would them backflip into the air and she would fire multiple hearts down on Nakir, sending him crashing to the floor.

Laci:you didn't see that coming did you baby?

Nakir would burst out from the heart blasts with his blue aura wrapped around him.

Nakir:Shut up! I was completely caught off guard!

Nakir would go dashing at Laci, and she would get into her fighting stance and dashed at him as well.

Nakir outpasted her with ease, he would then kick her into the air and appear on her right, grabbing her by the arm and slamming her to the ground. He would then charge up his aura.

Nakir:You like to spam blasts right?! Well i'm gonna show you the true spam god!!

Nakir would fire out multiple blue flame blasts down on Laci, nonstop! He seemed to not be showing her any mercy. Laci tried her best to put a force field around herself, but it was being burned down. She was running out of options to protect herself.

Laci:I should've known he'd be an asshole! Alright what can I do to get out of a situation like this? Man my boyfriend doesn't take it easy, not even for me. Wait that's what I'll do! Alright, I bet he won't see this coming!

Laci's aura would start to turn gold and her eyes would turn an amber color, along with her hair. She had glowing gold angel marks on her body, and her hair flowed into the air. A jalo would then appear above her head and she was now in her most powerful form!

Laci would make a huge gold heart blast around herself, and flew up to Nakir, making it seem like she just shot an energy blast at him. Nakir would look at the blast and smirked.

Nakir:Oh? Judging by the color of this blast, you went into your angel form. That still won't be a problem for me!

Nakir's hair turned blue and it was like flames, and he would then make his chains come out of his back all with blue flames.

Nakir:There's no way in hell you stand a chance against me now baby, so stop hiding down there and come face me yourself! Your blasts won't be enough against me, you know?!

Laci:Fine I will!!

Nakir's eyes widened

Nakir:What the hell? Where are you?!

Laci appeared right out of the blast punching Nakir in his knees, his weakest spot!

Laci:Right in front of you, stuck up cocky asshole!!

Laci would then kick him across the face and would shoot a heart blast onto his gut and would then power up her aura and jump on top of the heart blast, applying more force and crashing to the floor, and as they did, a huge explosion could be heard outside of their chamber.

Nakir was back in his normal form upset but impressed with laci's results.

Laci went back into her normal form as well.

Nakir would give Laci a high five.

Nakir:Now that's what I'm talking about! You finally beat me in a sparring match, see isn't it fun to be a strong girlfriend? No one wants a weak girlfriend.

Laci:You little… you know what I'll just take the compliment.

Laci would give Nakir a kiss, and they walked out of the chamber huggin on each other with smiles on their faces.

Everyone else outside of the chamber saw them and had an awkward face, thinking that they did something else besides training.

Nakir:Knock it off!

Laci:Honestly… you perverts!

Izaya and Chris were sparring in a chamber too, both warriors improved a lot.

Habakkuk was in the kitchen hanging out with the 4 brothers.

Habakkuk was telling them the story of how he got his powers and his race origin, he would then also tell them about the battle with Enthra and how he fought so hard to get them back.

Nickson:That's pretty cool, you're an alien, no wonder you're so powerful.

Luke:How were you able to see our past though? I always wondered…

Habakkuk:Honestly I still don't know, even till this day… it must've been another one of those side effects from being reborn into a gatekeeper, it was weird… I really still don't fully get the grasp of my powers yet…

Anderson:And you even beat that bastard Enthra, I'm glad you were able to overcome him even while suffering a few losses.

James:So kid… can you still transform into this Unsealed Gate form?

Habakkuk:I tried several times over these past 4 months and I still couldn't go into the form. Back then when I transformed, I suffered emotional trauma and deep rage. It's not just something I can activate on my own will, it's a form I can't reach just by trying… I honestly don't know what I'm going to do next… Maybe for now I'll just keep trying to master all my stages of berserk, I recently controlled my third state, if I can stack my secrets arts and Gaylena's goddess powers on top of that, it'll be pretty powerful… although still not as powerful as the unsealed gate…

Habakkuk frowned.

Luke:Don't worry kid, you'll get there.

Anderson:We have faith in you

Nickson:Hell yeah man.

James smiled at Habakkuk silently

Habakkuk:We definitely gotta talk like this more often, thanks guys!

Habakkuk and the brothers would say their goodbyes and Habakkuk would then head home.

2 Days Later...

Laci and Nakir were cuddling on one of the couches while Matt was hanging out with Adron and the others. Chris and Izaya finished up their training and headed straight for the kitchen.

Laci:You know, it gets pretty boring being the only girl on this team. Like yes, I hang out with Kayla sometimes but she's not a part of team Prophecy and she has her own responsibilities, being the witch goddess and all. So I really don't see her often. There really needs to be another girl on this team.

Nakir:Yeah, hanging out with your boyfriend and a bunch of dudes all day does kinda sound boring if I was in your shoes. That's like me hanging out with you and all your friends but with no Adron or Bakka. Maybe more people can join this team but it'll be a bit crowded and where would we even get an extra strong member on earth to join this group? I didn't see any other girls that were strong besides that one warrior lady you battled with during the war. How is she doing?

Laci:Honestly i haven't seen her in a while but she did say she was off training with furbles.

Nakir:Yeah we definitely need another girl on the team to keep you company.That lady is out in space training, there's no telling when she'll ever come back.

Laci:Yeah… that sucks.

Adron enters the room with a cocky smile on his face.

Nakir:What are you so confident about? Are you looking to get your ass beat?

Adron:No I came in here to ask if you wanted to be my punching bag.

Nakir:Punching bag? That's cute, it's nice to dream Adron but don't dream too big, sometimes your imagination can get the best of you.

Adron:I'm surprised you can come up with a comeback like that with your small brain. I figured your IQ level was a 2.

Nakir's smirk went to a serious face in an instant.

Nakir:Training room now.

Adron:Alright bet.

They both cracked their knuckles and walked out of the room.

Laci:This is why there needs to be another girl here. These boys drive me so crazy with their competitions and arguing.

Nakir and Adron were stretching out in the training room and getting into their stances.

Nakir:You know Adron? Out of all 100 of our battles we each won 50 and lost 50 of them, but today I'm gonna get 51 wins and you'll see just who's on top!

Adron:Yeah right, I've gotten a lot stronger lately, you probably don't even stand a chance against me so maybe I'll pull my punches.

Nakir:Yeah and you'll be surprised once you find out you're the one outclassed and find your face buried into the ground, hell you might get beaten so bad that you fall to the ground face down with your ass up. Haha that would be super pathetic even for you Adron, no real man lays that way, you'll be a real sissy!

Adron:We'll see about that dickhead!

Nakir:That we will bitch!

They both got into a fighting stance and dashed at each other at insane speeds.


Habakkuk was at school and it was during a class transition…

A purple light went off outside and Habakkuk sensed a familiar dark energy, his face instantly tensed up.

Habakkuk:Damn it not now…

Habakkuk ran outside and jumped on top of the roof of the school to greet this person…

???:Long time no see brother…

Habakkuk:Seth what are you doing here? I'm at school, what do you want now?

Sethnos:I have a few questions to ask you…

Habakkuk:Oh that reminds me… I have something I want to ask you as well…

Sethnos:Oh? Well i'm going first it's obvious I have more important questions to ask you.

Habakkuk:Sure I guess, but after you get what you want, you have to answer mine.

Sethnos:Deal… I'm curious to see what you have to ask me.

Habakkuk:Now what's your question dickwad?

Sethnos:Hohoho so hasty, calm down dipshit…

Habakkuk:I don't have all day, I still have school to attend and you are starting to annoy me?

Sethnos stared at Habakkuk trying to hold back all his hatred he had for him all at once… Sethnos started to grit his teeth and clenched his fists. He hated the idea of even breathing the same air as Habakkuk. Sethnos may have some questions, but he really wants him dead.

It started to rain

Sethnos:You wouldn't even begin to fathom the level of annoyance I have for you… YOU!

I should kill you where you stand, but… you, you're so different now… what did you do to gain this power?

Habakkuk:I trained with my teacher Mrs Thayer, for 8 months. I mastered all sorts of techniques and fighting styles, and I even learned how to control my two berserk forms and then over these 4 months I just recently learned how to control the third state…

Sethnos:You keep evolving… It's starting to make me sick...but that's not all I wanted to ask you…

Habakkuk:So what is it? Or did you come here to tell me how much you love your younger brother?

Sethnos really gritted his teeth this time with a vein popping out of his forehead…

Sethnos:Tch… shut the hell up!!

Habakkuk smirked

Sethnos face went from anger to a look of sadness and sort of innocence in Sethnos own little way.

Sethnos:What in god's name did you do to unlock the Unsealed gate?? What training did you go through? How hard was it?! What did it take?! How much did you have to sacrifice?! What was it?! Tell me! How come out of all people you were the one to achieve that legendary power?! I don't get it…

Habakkuk noticed the disturbance on Sethnos face, it was different… Habakkuk knew it was the look of someone who's been through and saw a lot throughout their lifetime… He knew that whatever it was, all it did was cause Sethnos pain…

Habakkuk started to feel remorse for Sethnos, as he had a look of sorrow.

Sethnos was holding back the tears in his eyes, but he couldn't any longer…

But since it was raining, it was hard to tell if he was crying or not… but Sethnos did show the pain on his face, that pain was too deeply unmistakable.

Narrator Habakkuk:I don't know what Seth has been through within his lifetime but whatever it was, it had to be extremely painful. For a tough guy to just break down like that and cry, he had to be holding a lot back and hiding it even from his own self. I can't even begin to imagine the pain he's endured over these past years that went by, he's not even that much older than me… he's still young… brother, what could you have gone through? We'll have to find out what happens in the next episode…

Sethnos I don't want to fight you! Please just calm down!!