Awkward 'Friendly' Date (II)

They felt the same for each other but none of them knew how to expressed it. They became best friend since toddler. Inseperable childhood bestfriend as their parents discribed them. They couldn't live without each other. That's how close they were. 

Alyssum didn't want to change that but at some point, she wanted to be with him not just a best friend but a man of her life. However, she didn't know what's on his mind and who he wanted to be with. She was hooeles even though they had an arrangement in the future. 

An arrangement that meant to be broken. 

An arrangement that meant to be change each day past to their lives.

An arrangement that she didn't want to lose. 

Because, it was her hope to be close to him as a lover. As a future wife and a future mother of his children. 

Then, she glanced at Chance, who was busy eating his food without removing his eyes on the food. It feels like he didn't want to look at her. 

But why?