Brenda's Worst Nightmare (V)

After thirty minutes of driving, he parked the car in front of Brenda's apartment but before she stepped out of the car, she glanced at him and mumbled, "Ty… I'm sorry for being unresponsive. I shouldn't try to place myself to help you. I— "

He sighed and glanced at her, showing his warm smile and he said, "It's fine now, no don't have to be sorry, okay? Just be ready to have dinner with me." 

She smiled and responded with a nod.

"Thank you for today. I enjoyed the trip. Take care of yourself and drive safely."

She strolled inside without waiting for him to leave. There, she saw her brother, narrowing eyes as he crossed his arms and sitting on the couch.

"What's wrong?" She asked and sat beside him. 

"Nothing, I'm just concerned about you. You are with one of our bosses." Her head cocked on the side, confused.

"I'm fine. See, I got home with two arms and two legs."