A Surprise Visit (II)

Then, she stepped inside her office and saw a middle-aged woman with a woman suit and clean bun. She greeted the secretary with a smile and offered a shaking hand. 

"Laura…" she mumbled and sat on her office sofa. 

Jane placed the tea in front of Mrs. Park while she smiled at Mrs. Bryne and placed her iced coffee. Mrs. Bryne mouthed 'thank you,' to her. She nodded and left them alone. 

"Breakfast tea. You know me too well, Alice."

"We've been friends since high school and I know you like that tea, Laura. Anyway, what brings you here?" 

"Well, you know why I'm here Alice." She exclaimed before sipping her tea. 

Her heart thumped rapidly and didn't know what she was talking about. She cleared her throat and grabbed her iced coffee. Then, she fixed her seat and smiled at her. 

"You are here because of Chance and Alyssum, right?"