That's Not What She Expecting

Then, she looked around to search for the restroom but instead, she find Christian, who's talking in a phone and looked upset. And so, she looked for the hideout and eavesdropped on their conversation. 

'Who's he talking to?' 

Then, she walked closer to him and strived to hear every word Christian said. She walked closer to him and suddenly, he stopped talking and hung up the phone. As he turned around, he was stunned when seeing Alyssum in front of him. 

He cleared his throat while scratching his nape. Hence, he asked, "have you heard something?" 

She heaved a deep sigh and shook her head. She was disappointed when hearing nothing about the conversation between his caller and Christian. She glanced at Christian and strived to ask but she couldn't. She was very nervous for some reason. 

"You can ask me but I guarantee you that you don't have to know about it." 

"What do you mean?"