What She Really Wants...

"Aly speaking." 

"Aly! Where are you? I'm at Christian's mansion and it turns out, no one was around." Brenda said on the other line. 

Mia walked closer to the table with Alyssum's order and suddenly, she almost stumbled on the floor. She strived not to laugh and looked away. Mia cleared her throat and placed her order. She bowed at her and walked off the table. 

'She was a clumsy one.' 

"Aly? Are you there?" 

The smile carved into her lips while staring at the waitress. She grabbed the coffee and took a small sip. She couldn't help but be fascinated by how this woman was like her mother. 

Every move and smile gave off to the customers, it was her mother's smile, Amelia Scott…

"No wonder, Christian likes her." She murmured. 

"Aly! Are you still there? You are murmuring but I don't know if you are talking to me." She whined in the other line.