She Was A Clumsy One

She sighed and felt bored with the place since Christian was in a meeting with his manager. She rolled around and strived to think about what interesting things she could do. Then, she remembered Brenda was in Minnesota for their wedding preparation. 

She got up and grabbed her phone to type Brenda's contact number. But then, she didn't want to be bothered and decided not to call her best friend. She sighed deeply and took out some clothes. 

She removed all the clothes and went inside the bathroom to take a shower. Afterward, she dried her body and wore the clothes she prepared a while ago. 

Hence, she walked downstairs and grabbed her purse, house, and car keys. She stepped out of the house and locked the main door. 

Christian had lots of collection cars she could use. Then, she opened the Mercedez-Benz car but she realized that it would be nice if she walked around the place.