It's Just Payback Date (V)

"You can get Yoongi's number in my phone and call him to pick me up. I don't want to bother you and escort me to the shop. Let my brother do his job. 

He shook his head and grinned. He didn't want to lose this opportunity to stay longer with her. 

"I insist. I'll escort you to your shop." 

She sighed and agreed with him. She knew that she didn't win this one. 

"Fine… Thank you, by the way." She mumbled and grinned. 

He hummed and strolled downstairs. She stepped inside the room and went straight to the bathroom. She took a deep breath and glanced at the mirror. 

"It's embarrassing. *sigh* He saw me with my traumatizing episode. He'll think I'm overreacting by having fear of thunderstorms." 

She sighed again and took all her clothes. She placed herself in the shower and as the water rushed down through her face. 

"I wish this water could wash away all my embarrassing moments."