Some Days

"Any academy ? Did you check them?" Father asked daughter instead. Min Ah got excited seeing how is okay with the idea.

"I did check and thought we could have the sir come over to our house,' she said but he stopped her.

"No, no no no no.. not in the house, register in the class in and do," he said. But that would not work for Derek. If it is a class can he not go and register himself, why depend on her.

"I don't want to go to an extra class and feel the burden, you can say no if you don't like it,' she said and moved away.

"Fine fine fine, it's okay my dear girl, house it is then, but only during the time am home,"

"Ofcourse yes," she agreed since she knows well how his work would not let him stay at home all the time during vacations.

"What is his mother doing?"

"I don't know, never asked," she said. "Okay I am going to attend my class, you leave, go, see you at home," she said and walked in to the class.

"Bye, come home early," he said and left. Derek was sitting inside the class, lost in his thought about what he should do. With his life. He only had one thing he wanted to become. A singer and he knew well how he is not working enough to achieve his dream. He was disappeared at him. But his fear how his mother would over react made him restrain from doing anything openly. He could not even sing properly while being home. He decided to find some ways to stay away from home for few hours.

But he had no idea where to go. He kept his pen down and stood up. He wished to go out for sometime and get some fresh air. "Ma'am I want to use washroom,"

"Sure Derek, go," she gave him permission. He walked out and walked around the whole campus for around 15 minutes. By the time he returned back the class was over and it was zero hour. Everybody was busy packing their bags.

Derek waited for the bell to ring. And he stepped out to hurry back home. Even though there was nothing much to do. He wondered how Taaliyah's grand father is doing after getting admitted in the hospital. He texted to see if Taaliyah is available and she replied. He instantly dialled her soon as he reached home. Before he got in.

"Is everything okay?" he asked.

"It's heart attack, but thank god they saved him, he is in ICU, but nothing to worry now," she said.

"You must have been startled," he said. "Relax, don't worry much," he consoled her.

"Hmm, yeah, everyone is upset, it will be okay,"

"When will you return home?" he asked her.

"Uppa said he will drop me and grand mother home, I might not come tomorrow too, not sure,"

"Missed you today," he said suddenly. Taaliyah went silent for a minute. "Hmm.."

"Derek, I know, I will call you after going back home. Is that okay?" she said to him.

"Hmm sure okay," he agreed. "Take care,"

"You too, bye," she said and hung up. He was sure that she will never call him.

Taaliyah was in the hospital cafeteria getting tea for everyone and that's when she attended call. She was glad. "Stop feeling good, your grand father is sick and battled for life few hours ago, stop having this feeling whatever it is and get back to the ward," she scolded herself. She took the flask and disposable paper glass and left. Her mother was waiting for her. And her father too. To drop her at home.

"Little girl at hospital, it's enough, take her back home, an uncle of her said,"

"I am going to drop her and Umma home," Zahir said. Grand mother and She followed Zahir to the car and took off. It was around 7 pm in the evening when they were finally home. Zahir bought them dinner. Appam and stew for both. And a roll of shawarma extra for her.

"Don't be scared, don't cry or anything okay, pray and sleep well," Zahir advised his little daughter. "Call me if there is anything, you have the phone right?" he asked her and drove back to hospital immediately. Grand mother who was extremely tired, had dinner very little and went to bed by 8 pm at night.

Taaliyah cleaned the kitchen, dumped the waste and walked into her room with the shawarma roll in her hand. She took the phone, made sure she locked the door and dialled Derek. He picked the call instantly. She had messages from the girls flooding in. Derek picked up the call on the first ring.

"Hey," he greeted her. He was panting.

"What happened?" she asked.

"I was working out, doing push up," he said. and sat down on the floor leaning against the coat. "Tell me,"

"Oh sorry, I will call you later then,"

"It's fine it's fine," he said and drank the water from the bottle he had next to him.

"I did not know you workout,"

"Staying healthy is important,"

"Yes yes," Taaliyah agreed.

"Can you give me five minutes, I will take a shower and come back," he said to her though he hate hit. But he was all sweaty.

"Sure, bye,' she said and hung up. And exactly 7 minutes and 35 seconds later he called her back. Taaliyah picked the call and settled in her bed after making sure her grand mother is loudly asleep and snoring.

"Tell me everything that happened today," she said to Derek. But he had nothing much to say except the fact how boring it was and how he did not bother to do anything.

"Now your turn," Derek said to her.

And Taaliyah began to narrate the whole story at the hospital until he called her.

"It seems you were all scared,"

"Very," she agreed.

"Poor thing, relax," he said. "If I get to see you now, I would have patted your head to comfort you," he said and stopped. Taaliyah went silent. He bit his tongue. But Taaliyah changed the topic.

"Did you decide to go?" she asked him.

"Where?" he asked not understanding it.

"Guitar class?" Derek's face changed suddenly as a door opened. the phone fell from his hand. He did not expect it. He got up from dhe floor.