The Fight Night

"Papa," he said and got up front the floor. He ran towards the door and hugged him. "So unexpected. So surprising papa," he said. He was so happy and excited.

"Yes yes, surprised are you not?" John tousled Derek's hair and patted his shoulders. He had the backpack still on his back. Derek walked to the living room. "Came by bus?" Derek asked.

"Yes, long journey, so tiring. Let me wash up first, wait," John put the bag on the table and walked to washroom straight in his room. Amy came out and was shocked. "Look who is it, Santa clause is back in town," Amy mocked him. "I just called you and you said you are busy with something I forgot,"

"Surprised are you not?"

"Very," he said. "Get ready, let's head out for a ride" he said. Derek smiles and ran back to his room. It felt like his old life was back for a moment.

"I will talk to you a little later okay?" Derek said. Derek sent a message and got ready. He put on his blue jean and an off white shirt. He corrected his hair without any combs or gels and he stepped out of the room. His father and mother were arguing about something.

"Papa, Mom," he called. "Can you not fight at least today, he just came home I mean," Amy put her bag down with tears in her eyes. John nodded and stopped talking back.

The three walked out. They got into the car and drove around the town. John got Derek ice cream and pizza. He sat in the back eating them looking outside the window silently. He could not understand why he cannot even enjoy a ride with the family. He just wanted simple things and even that looked luxury he cannot afford.

"How is work like these days?" Derek asked his father.

"Hectic, the probation period is over. Papa is going to get a raise soon," he said happily and glanced at his wife. She was staring outside, ignoring their conversation. The argument had not ended inside her head.

Amy wish to move to Y city and live with John. But John disagree with the idea since he cannot afford taking the family to the metropolitan city. Education will become expensive and his salary would not be enough to feed the two depending on him. The living expenses are the triple of that from living in the west village but Amy began blaming him for having such mediocre salary around $800 a month. John did his best whenever the conversation came up but Amy refused to understand. She maybe coming from a rich family and courted John. But it appears as years pass she is not able to adjust with him and his financial situation especially after coming back from abroad. She began to contact and keep in touch with her family and ask money from them which only hurt the pride of John who is looked down as a man who cannot protect his wife and child. It hurt John and angered him. But Derek was not aware of it. Little did he know that everyday his mothers goes to visit his grand parents, bad mouth about her husband and take money from them and spend it for shopping. Whatever John sent was not enough for her, and always argued with him. Her treatment took most of it.

Because of constant need for money. After work hours until 6, John even began to work part time, in hotels, wait tables and earn money for his pocket money while he sent all the salary home. Amy could not understand the pain nor cared about it.

"Papa, shall we go back home?" Derek asked. The ride was weird and awkward with hus mother's silence which made things look ugly. "Am tired and I have class tomorrow," he said. It was going to be 10 pm.

"Sure my son," he said and turned the car around. "Study well and make us proud, we already are, keep going," John said to Derek with a smile on his face. "Don't become like us," he said. It led to offending Amy.

"Us? What do you mean by Us? say don't become like yourself, don't drag and pull me into that loser's pit," she said angrily.

"Ma, can you please not talk back?" Derek got angry.

"Like father like son, of course you would not like it when I speak the truth, you just want to play around, who said am proud, am not, I will never be," she shouted. Derek turned red and his eyes filled with tears. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. He took a deep breath to control his temper.

"You are such a nasty woman who do not qualify to be a mother," John said back for hurting their son.

"Ha," Amy said. "Am least surprised. But it's your fault. Who wanted children? I said a thousand time I don't want to have kids when I was not ready," she said back not even caring that Derek is hearing everything. "Only if you pulled out when I begged that night, not only am I a bad mother now but sick since the delivery,"

"Enough," Derek shouted. But they did not stop. Derek felt disgusted. John tried to stop and looked at Derek who was fuming with anger. "I said enough of it," he said again. "Always fighting and acting like you are right, don't you care about others. Why the hell? Am helk done with this," Amy and John stopped for a moment. Amy looked like she is ready to attack anyone anytime. And John looked fed up.

"It's all because of him," Amy started again.

"I see, you cannot stop right, you cannot stop," Derek threw the empty pizza box away.

John slowed down but Derek opened the door and jumped out unable to bear with the dirty and hurtful fight. He wanted to teach them a lesson. John pulled the break and stopped the car. "Derek," he screamed loud. "Derek No," Amy was shocked. She remained still. Another car was coming in the opposite direction. "Derek," John got out of the car screaming.