Why? Why? Why?

"Hey Sarah, tell me," 

"I'm free today Mike, I took a day off, I'm stepping out after sometime, why don't we meet? We postponed it the last time,' Sarah told Mike dialling his number. 

"Afternoon?" Mike checked the time immediately. He looked at the files then. He had been working overtime dropping early in the mornings since he spent most of the evenings out trying to get Nara talk to him. "All right, 4 in the evening, choose a place and send me the location, I will be there," Mike said and hung up. 

He wanted to meet up with Sarah for a really long time. But she has been busier than him. Mike wanted to know about a lot of things. Mike began to hurry and call his staff.

"Is the set ready? Has the photographers been informed?" Mike asked.

"Yes sir, the models will be reaching soon, but we have a problem with dressing rooms,"

"What is it?"

"They want individual room it seems, there are 6 models, and we have only 4 rooms,"