Waited, regretted!

"Are you not going to tell me?" Asked Mike. "Why you can't speak now? What the hell where you doing the past years? Why did you ruin your life?" 

"Yes i ruined my life? So what? Why? Why do you want to know now? You never were around, why the hell are you asking this now? For what? Who the hell are you Mike?" Nara was losing it. 

"Nara do you know what you have done?"

"Oh I know clearly what I have done. I did what I should not have,"

"Yes damn it, if you married then you should have tried to live with him," Mike said. 

"Right, right I should have lived with him," Nara agreed. "Right, you are right," Nara cried. Tears kept whelming her eyes. Her voice changed and her flushed red. "I regret it, I regret everything," she shouted. "If you never showed up in front of me I would have lived a better life," 

"What? Mike did not understand.