Be Patient

Apryl was tired and still slightly annoyed by the time that she had gotten back home in the late afternoon. She hadn't expected to be there for that long, but she had to wait for Keith to come back.

It had taken him longer to get Chester what he was looking for because he not only had to print the information out, but he needed to get permission first so that he didn't get in trouble for abuse of his power even if it was at the request of the student body president. At least when he came back, the tall man was no longer with him since he had to get ready for the meeting he had.

Keith had even apologized for taking so long to come back to help and had no problem walking her through what she was struggling with, but Apryl was still annoyed by the other's behavior. She knew that some werewolves could be disrespectful and rude to others, but unless they were alpha in a pack, it wasn't ever really that well tolerated by those around them.

Humans on the other hand were known for being rude and inconsiderate of other's feelings and the way they interacted with them. For whatever reason was, she was set on the fact that she didn't like Chester and didn't want anything to do with as much as possible. Keith had laughed when she told him this.

"How do you expect me to react? Honestly it comes across as a bit childish. Certainly, Chester isn't as polite as other people and he doesn't always care about how he comes across to others. I wouldn't way that makes him a bad person though. He has done a number of good things since he came to this campus and he's 'great about protecting people who are in his friend circle or those who find themselves in unfair circumstances." Keith explained.

"That's great for those people, I don't get the feeling however that he would consider me to a part of that circle." Apryl mumbled back, her hand was resting on her chin and partly covering her mouth as Keith walked her through how to find the information she would need to log into her account when she got the email saying that she could access.

"That's just something you're going to have to be patient about though. Not everyone clicks on their first meeting or two. For some people, it can take them a while to warm up to others and decide if they want to be friends or not. And even in the case of Chester, even if you guys were friends, it wouldn't change much about how he interacts with you, that's just how he is." Hearing him say it didn't make her feel any better, but she didn't pursue the topic any further and instead focused on getting done what she needed to finish before she could go home and get ready for classes the next day.

She didn't bothering explaining the situation to her mother once she was home as she didn't feel like it was something that she needed to worry about. It wasn't like Chester was much of a threat at this point or that it was going to impact her she supposed what she could call friendship with Keith. Though, she couldn't deny that she might not stick around him so much when Chester was around if the other's attitude didn't change.

Her mother was happy to hear however that she had gotten her class schedule figured out and had managed to get everything that she would need for now without having to worry about financing it.

"You know though Apryl, you didn't have to worry about it that much. Brian and I could've afford for your books or anything else small that you needed until you guys got on your feet." Lydia told as she gave her a hug after her mother had.

"I know, but you guys have already been doing so much over this last week I wouldn't feel good asking anything extra from you." Apryl replied as she smiled at her aunt once they were finished hugging.

"You know I do intend to pay you back once I get a job and take over for what you've been doing for me and my family." Her mother didn't object to what she was saying because they both knew it was going to be the only real option at this moment in time.

Her sisters were slowly getting better about being around in their human form and trying to help out where they could, but they weren't yet ready still to do everything that Apryl was. Her mother couldn't afford it either since she was pregnant and the pups would need her for the few first weeks after they were born.

Oreo was going to be the next best bet, but he would have to find a job that didn't require a college degree. Keith said he had some ideas, but the omega still was going to have to get used to being around strangers first.

"Don't stress yourself out too much about it, we're making everything work right now and you're just getting started on college. Brian understands that as well even if he does seem like he's stressed out at times. It has just been a while since we've shared the same space with so many people it's a bit of adjustment." Lydia told her niece as she went back over to the stove to stir what would be dinner for that night. She had settled on making beef stew with bread because she wanted something she felt was going to be a little easier for Summer to handle.

If it had been up to her, her cousin would've been eating more raw meat until she had the puppies. However, they couldn't get enough on hand to feed her and the younger pups consistently. If they could've kept hunting, it would've been a different situation, but buying meat in bulk wasn't cheap.

"I know that, we're family even if we just met not that long ago, but I still will feel better once I am able to at least pay for half of everything or get my own place." Apryl replied, shrugging her shoulders as she put her backpack down on the table.

"I need to go through some stuff for tonight for my class tomorrow, but I will need help with some stuff for financial aid, Keith said it might take a little bit but it should help to cover some of the costs so I don't have to pay so much out of pocket." She said as she pulled out the textbook that Keith had placed the note in. At least with a backpack she wasn't going to have to worry about losing anything.

"Brian has to work late night, but that' something I can help you with it after dinner since I had to do it when I went to college. Since you have some time, you should probably get on what you need to right now before it gets too much later and you put it." Apryl knew that her aunt was right, but she also wanted a breather after just getting home before having to do other things.

"I will. I will take thirty minutes since I just got home, but then I will take care of it." She assured her aunt and mom as she sat down at the table. She knew that the next eight weeks were going to be a trial and wanted to take every second of freedom she could get before tomorrow came around.