I Want to Know

Apryl did her best to get as much of her homework done on Wednesday night. Partly because she wanted to try and figure out as much as she could on her own with her aunt's help and partly because she didn't want Keith to have something he could hold over her head too highly the next day when she got to the campus.

She had a hard time believing that there was nothing odd going on with him after he had asked about her uncle. She probably wouldn't have thought much about it if it wasn't for the fact that Keith had become quiet after asking that question. Any other questions he had asked her about before or messages he sent that she responded to, he always replied back to in relative quick time. This was the first except when he had class (which he would mention to her if he had class) that he hadn't responded after she answered his question.

She would find a way to get a straight answer out of him that she felt was genuine, even if it meant having to trade in some of the support that he had offered her with homework. This felt like it was something much more important to her, especially since she and her family lived with him.

When she got to campus the next day, she decided to take the approach of being quiet and just watching him to see if there was anything different about him that she could notice. She figured if she was too quiet and just kept watching him that maybe he would get uncomfortable and agree to answer her questions.

Attempting to read her textbook was a good excuse to allow her to keep glancing up at him without being completely obvious about the fact that she was going to watch him until he asked her what was going on. At first she didn't think that it had much of an affect on him because he was being rather quiet himself as he focused on what he was doing on his computer.

Watching him for over half an hour caused her to come to realize that there was another question that she wanted to ask him about as well. Something that was more likely harmless than bugging him about why he was acting weird about her uncle. Apryl wanted to know why he wore glasses. As a werewolf she was fairly certain that he didn't need them to help him see, so it made her wonder why it was part of the way that he presented himself as a human.

Apryl wanted to huff in response to this, but she figured he would know what she was up to if she made too much noise that indicated that she was annoyed with him or wanted him to respond to what she had asked the night before.

"You know even if you keep doing that, I'm not going to give you a different answer than I gave you before." Keith told after this had gone on for some time and it became obvious that she wasn't going to stop watching him while he finished work he needed to get done before he could help with her homework.

"I know, you told me that last night." Apryl replied, keeping her response brief as she kept her focus on her textbook. She couldn't deny after Lydia helped her go over some of the words the night before, it was becoming easier for her to read on her own though she still had a long way to go.

"For someone who understands that they aren't going to get me to change my answer, you're being awfully quiet this morning." He pointed out as he looked up from his computer to stare across at where Apryl was sitting.

"That's just because like you, I am busy with stuff that I need to get done too. I wouldn't give up you helping me homework over something you're not willing to answer me honestly about." She retorted causing Keith to let out a muffled laugh.

"You don't do a very good job of not making it obvious what you're trying to do if that was true. Like I said last night, there really isn't anything going on. I was just curious because I saw you with someone I didn't recognize from around." Keith defended himself. Apryl looked up at him at this point and have him a look that made it clear that she didn't believe what he was saying for one second.

"If that was true, you wouldn't have acted stranger after I answered your question and by weird, I mean not responding after I answered your question."

"That was because I was busy and my phone had died. I had only turned it back on not long before you messaged me the second time." He explained though to Apryl it felt like a rather weak explanation.

"Sounds like too much of a convenient answer." Apryl responded with a huff.

"I still don't think that you're telling me what is really going on and I would like you to tell me if there is anything that I should be aware of since I do happen to live with my uncle along with the rest of my family. However, I do have another question on a completely different topic that I am curious to know about before you help me with my homework." Keith tilted his head slightly when she said this.

"If there was anything that you really needed to worry about, I would've told you already. I don't think it is anything to worry about at all but, what is this other question that you wanted to ask me about?" Apryl didn't feel any more satisfied by the answer that Keith gave her, but she let it be so that she could ask the other question that was bothering her.

"Why do you wear glasses?" She asked, the odd question caught Keith off guard, it wasn't what he was expecting at all.

"It's just a question out of curiosity. I know that one of us generally don't need to wear glasses or at least I have never heard of one that has had to wear glasses for anyone reason so I was just curious about what made you decide to wear them." Apryl clarified as she wanted to be as clear as possible about why she was asking and what made her wonder about it so that he didn't get the wrong idea about why she was asking.