The Baccarat Protection

Gabriel noticed my slight hesitation at the sight of the twins and he reached out to take hold of my hand, lending me his quiet strength. 

"Ah!  You two are actually here, and early too!"  Rafael called out. 

He ran the last several steps and vaulted onto the stage like an acrobat.  "Welcome to the family, dear Nanael."

"Thank you," I said, understanding his explicit meaning.

Simon ran onto the stage using the side steps ahead of Papa and the twins. 

"Hi ya Nana!"  He stopped and stared at me. 

"Why are you dressed in a Marital Bonding outfit?  Isn't that what you're suppose to wear on your wedding night?"

"Marital Bonding outfit?"  Papa asked as he came up behind Simon. 

I moved towards Papa and he crushed me in a bear hug.  "How is my daughter doing?  Is he taking good care of you?"

"Always, Papa," I said.

"Stand by," Rafael called out and snapped a finger into the air.