The Check-mated Queen

I sucked in a ragged breath.  This was not the same Osiris twins I had left Topaz City with. 

I stopped to dash away the tears that welled up from the depths of my soul.  The twins seemed to have changed, within the span of a few weeks. 

Where were my fierce warriors?  What had happened to them? 

I turned away, feeling as if I had been betrayed. 

"What have you been doing with yourself?"  Papa turned towards the screen, directing his question at Mother.

Mother gazed out at us, but I could tell she was focusing on Papa.  "Do not worry about me.  I am still one of the strongest mages here. 

"I left Andalusia after I met up with our daughter in the hospital ward.  The Mage Elites have taken the throne from me." 

"According to them, I am no longer Queen, but I will fight that declaration tooth and nail."

"Mother, what do you plan on doing?"  I asked.