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Battle at the Dungeon Gate

The gate opens and the light coming from the interior of the dungeon illuminates two bodies, one that is lying down on the ground as it tries to stands up to continue their confrontation with the other figure that is currently standing in front of the other.

Facing the dungeon gate on the right-hand side is the Guild Master of Assault Crusade, and just by looking at the set of armor he is wearing one can instantly tell that he is among the veterans of the game.

On the left side, Kyle, that is wearing a black long roll coat, under his overcoat is a black long sleeves shirt with an iron chest plate attached that gives minimal protection for his upper front part while wielding a black dagger with a wavy crimson accent on its blade in both hands.

Just by looking at the two, a comparable gap between battle experiences and literally between their level is very visible.

"The beast inside has a lot to pay." The Guild Master said.

"Why do you want to stop me from having my retribution?" he added.

And the other figure, Kyle, answers him frankly.

"Well… I don't really give a shit about whatsoever you are planning to do in there. Just doin' my quest man." He said.

The man giggles hearing his reason.

"Of course, it is a game." He said.

"And this game has taken nothing yet from you." He added.

Yet, the man on the ground stands up and his humor triggers that he lets off a smirk and tells the guy in front of him what he thinks about what he just said.

"Yeah, and about that, you should talk to their customer service representative to answer your questions and violent reactions."

The man was provoked by his words as he grasped the idea that everything he said was just a joke for him to laugh at, but he upholds his composure and let what the other man said slide. He then calls for his men and signals them to enter the dungeon.

"I don't have the time to spend on your nonsense." He said.

But before the crowd could enter the dungeon door, a shout coming from a female caught the attention of the two followed by a loud explosion. As the two arguing males turn their gaze in the direction of the blast, they saw multiple bodies tossed in the air, flying in different directions.

At the center of the commotion, they saw a fierce-looking female overflowing with rage as she breathes deeply after what she just did and calls the man who brought an army with him that is going to enter the dungeon.

"Hey, you shit head! You plan to take that many lives down with you?!" She said while pointing her sword to the man.

But the man just smirks at her.

"The only life that will be taken is the life of that beast inside." The man she is pointing to answered.

The woman knows that it is impossible for even that many people to defeat the beast inside and she knew that once the crowd gets in they would never get out. It is already a gift of a lifetime that the two of them managed to survive the dungeon once.

"You're really out of your mind." She said

And the man quickly answers her.

"Says the lunatic who loves committing PK every time I send someone to fetch her." He said.

"You call that "Fetching"? Your dictionary needs to be revised coz it's a piece of shit." She answered.

"I think what needs to be revised is that dirty mouth of yours, your mother will be utterly disappointed when she hears you speak like that." He said that made the woman's vein pop on her forehead.

'Yikes, he brought the mama's in.' Kyle thought after taking a brief look at the woman's face brimming with irritation.

"No, I think your mother is to blame for not teaching you right." He added.

And his words switched on the woman's hostility that she impulsively attacks the man. But the man without breaking a sweat parries her swing.

"What a simple-minded person you are Luca, easy to provoke…" He said while extending an arm towards the dungeon door as if he is trying to reach something that is in there.

"… and the easiest to eliminate." He added and at the same time, he catches the incoming jewel from the dungeon door.

"There are other things this jewel can do aside from tweaking settings." He said and then slams the jewel to the protective guard of his sword.

Upon impact, a flash of crimson light coming from the union of the sword and jewel illuminates the whole cave, almost blinding the ones around him.

After the light subsided, a crimson glowing object that appears to be a huge Warhammer replaces the sword and jewel on the man's hands.

"Behold… the hammer of Vulcan." The Guild Master said as he shows to the people around him the mighty weapon he is now wielding.

Kyle that is alongside Luca was stunned upon seeing the transformation of the weapon the guy wields.

"You should not have dropped that jewel, like seriously." He said.

Luca appraised the weapon by using an appraise card. The weapon's description appears on her screen and the item definition blows her mind.

[Hammer of Vulcan]

[Description: The hammer used in battle by the God of fire Vulcan.]

[Can only be invoked by merging a Warrior class weapon with the jewel]

[Damage: 45%STR x Level + 100 Physical Damage]

[Unique Passive: Damage increases when dealing damage with high-level monsters up to 30%]

[Jewel to Weapon Synthesis duration: 10 minutes]

"Oh… that's one hell of a hammer." Luca said but completely forgot to read the rest of the item stats and skipped the most important part of the weapon description, [Active: Rage].

"So… do we still need to stop that dude?" Kyle asked having second thoughts after seeing the weapon the Guild Master is holding.

Luca stares at Kyle with disgust on her face after hearing him somewhat complain.

"You know, I first thought you are a chicken but now I think what's lacking on you is a pair of balls." She said.

But before Kyle could rebut from Luca's words, the Guild Master screams a warning to them.

"For those who plan to stop me from entering and defeating this boss, especially you two, I warn you now, I will not show mercy for those who defy me!" he shouted while pointing a finger to where Luca and Kyle are.

"Wow, you sound like a king giving a warning to his opposers." Luca answered him while giving a slow clap to his speech.

"Hey, I got an idea! How about you let me have a taste of that huge and long Hammer of yours?" She added in an alluring way.

But the Guild Master could only click his tongue in irritation.

There was a moment of silence and the two, Luca and the Guild Master, had a staring contest as they carefully watch each other's movement. The slightest stroke of the other's hand or the stomp of a foot is a cue to initiate an attack.

After a split of a second, the two dashes towards each other as Luca forcefully swings her sword aiming for the midsection of her opponent. But before she could possibly land the blow, the cold solid iron head of the hammer hits her side and at the same time tosses her into a corner.

"Luca!" Kyle shouted as he runs towards Luca.

Coughing due to the impact she received, Luca slowly stands up from the ground.

"Hey, are you alright?!" Kyle said upon arriving at where Luca was tossed.

"Astonishing! I feel alive!" She said and a grin shows on her face and insanely laughs due to the pain she feels.

She slowly walks forward ignoring Kyle's worries and points his sword to the Guild Master as she slowly strokes her hand on the blade of her sword and the sword began glowing in crimson.

[You Used: Blood Lust]

"Battle Mode One: Berserker." She said and an aura overflows around her entire body.

[Battle Mode One: Berserker Activated]

She then places her sword parallel to her and gently strokes it again using her hand.

[You Used: Metal Body]

"Oh… I'm so gonna whack that thing of yours." She said and charges towards the man wielding the hammer of Vulcan.

seeing the charge of Luca to the Guild Master, the other members of his guild steps in but was halted by the Guild Master.

"I can handle this." He said and counters the blow Luca is about to land to him. Using the huge hammer he is wielding, he swings it in a three hundred and sixty-degree rotation to have the utmost power he can deliver from a single attack.

Luca managed to notice it before it completely hits her and uses her sword as a shield to protect herself from the attack. But the force is too much for her slender body to handle, so, to prevent her from being tossed again, she uses a shockwave category skill to counter the impact.

[You Used: Shockwave Strike]

By using a bit of science, the impact was somehow nullified but the damage she still received is not a laughing matter.

"Well played, Law of inertia right?" He said, somehow praising Luca for countering the attack.

Luca smirks and answers him.

"I don't know, maybe it's the third law? Who knows." She said and kicks the Guild master away from her.

And their battle continues.