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Battle at the Dungeon Gate II

The battle proceeds as Luca tries her best to outdo the Guild Master yet the man can easily keep up with her, even against all the buff Luca used, for the man, everything seems to be a child's play.

At first, they seem to be on par with each other but the longer the battle continues the more one can see the difference in terms of combat capabilities.

A swing of a Luca's sword can easily be parried or blocked by the guy using either the weapon he has or if needed, he utilizes every part of his body that is covered in solid steel armor.

And by each passing moment after exchanging blows after blows, the Guild Master seems to be getting powerful as his attacks became more furious and devastating.

Although it is not visible to her, Luca is worried about something.

Even though their current situation is to her advantage since she is managed to delay them from entering the dungeon, there is something lurking inside her mind that is telling her that she must end this immediately or something terrible will happen.

Luca distanced herself to take a breather from their rigid and intense fight and to also check the status of her enhancement buff if she still has ample time to keep up with the strength of the guy.

But, her buffs are already running low on gas and are about to deplete any moment, so instead of wasting more time, she decided to take this last chance to inflict damage to the Guild Master.

'Maybe it's because his attacks are getting stronger after each blow?' She thought while looking at her right hand that is holding her sword that is currently trembling after enduring multiple impacts that are the aftereffect of her blocking the swings of the huge hammer.

But before she could have the chance to take on the offensive, the Guild Master charges towards her with the intent of ending their bout and he is very serious about it since he intends to hit Luca's vital spot and that is her head.

Swinging it up vertically aiming for her cranium, the Guild Master is about to crack open Luca's skull when suddenly a shadow snatched her away from where she is standing and saved her from her demise.

"That was a close call." Kyle said while holding Luca in his arms.

And Luca clicks her tongue from the actions of Kyle especially of his sudden rescue that she thinks that she doesn't need it at all.

"I don't really need your help." She said then clicks her tongue again.

"Okay, that's the second time you did that." Kyle said in response to her tongue clicking galore.

"And that was also the second time I saw you made a dramatic entrance." Luca replied and then clicks her tongue again.

The two continue on arguing until the man Luca is fighting had enough of their arguments and intervenes to cut the unnecessary talk they are doing.

"Can you save the love quarrel for later?" He said.

"It's fine for me if you do, well, unless if you plan to stop me again from entering the dungeon." He added.

"Hah! You wish!" Luca shouted and steps away from the hold of Kyle's arms to continue their fight.

The Guild Master sighs upon hearing Luca's reply and then he slowly shook his head in the process.

"I know you are a stubborn person but this is getting absurd." The Guild Master said and points to where Kyle and Luca are.

"Fine then! If you can defeat me then I will cancel the raid forever." He said and then swings his pointing finger at Kyle.

"And as a handicap, I'll even let that guy give you a hand." He added.

"Huh? I'm also in this?" Kyle said while pointing his index finger to himself.

"I'm curious about who you might be, and it is the first time I see an avatar that is dressed as you do. I was wondering if in some cases that you might be the person whom the system announced to be the first of its class a few days ago." The Guild Master said.

"Well if you really want to have a threesome then, I and he are going to bang you up." Luca said

Kyle didn't like the idea of getting too involved in some personal matters between the two and what makes him lose more motivation is that he won't get anything in it and considers it a bother since it is not even a quest,, to begin with.

So he raised his hand to tell everyone his thoughts about it.

"I don't know what you are talking about but and I am against…"

But before Kyle could even finish what he is saying his screen suddenly zaps and pixelates then a sudden shutdown and after a few seconds, the screen restarts and came back to normal, and then a notification suddenly pops on his screen stating that his quest [Helping an Outlaw] updated an objective saying that he needs to aid Luca on defeating the guy.

[Updating Quest: Helping an Outlaw]

[New Objective: Defeat the Guild Master and recover the Jewel of Vulcan]

"What the… I think my Dive Gear is broken." Kyle said while looking at Luca.

"Yeah, nice try." Luca said.

"No, I really mean it, like it zaps out for a bit then came back again." Kyle insisted.

But to those who heard what he said, that kind of happening only occurs when there is a power surge and then forces the user to log out as a side effect.

"Yeah whatever, let's just end this once and for all!" Luca said while preparing herself to attack.

Kyle doesn't know what exactly happened but it is the second time on this very day that a sudden quest, without even asking for his consent suddenly became active, and he doesn't like it, and randomly scans the surroundings for no reason.

He stares at the Guild Master that is standing in front of them full of confidence with a smirk on his face as if his smirk tells them that he can easily take them out with ease then turns his gaze to Luca that is currently showing an irritated look on her face the moment she saw the reaction of the man in front of them.

Somehow, Kyle unexpectedly took a quick look beyond the huge entrance of the dungeon and his eyes widen in full circle for an unverified reason.

Beyond the dungeon gate, a woman wearing a sundress meticulously stares at the nine-headed statue at the far end of the room, looking at it in amazement as if she finally saw something that only exists in her wildest imagination.

"Oh, so this is a Hydra? It looks like a nine-headed dragon though." She said, and gently taps the base of the statue in front of her.

She then smiles faintly while gazing up at the statue.

"A step closer huh?" She added.

The reaction of Kyle took the attention of the Guild Master as he follows where Kyle is starring at and found a familiar figure inside the Hydra dungeon.

'What is that woman doing in there?' He thought while gripping the handle of the weapon he is holding tighter since he knows that the woman only means bad business.

'That Alma!' He thought and clicks his tongue in the process.

The feeling of being stared at gave her chills that runs down to her spine and impulsively made her turn around to check it out and saw two familiar faces. One of which is the Guild Master that she considers as her puppet on a string and the other one is the person of her interest.

The moment her eyes rolls to Kyle, she gave off a sweet smile by accident. Due to her action, Kyle is somehow beckoned by it.

"A-Alice?" Kyle said somehow mesmerized by what he is staring at, at this very moment.

Kyle without noticing it moves a step closer towards the dungeon. He is enthralled at what he is currently staring and all that he thinks about now is to get closer to the person inside the dungeon, but before he could even take another step, Luca called out for him stopping him from what he is about to do.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Luca yelled to Kyle.

Due to what Luca just did, Kyle snapped out of it and refocuses back to reality.

'Okay, that is not possible.' Kyle thought.

'There could be no way that an existence that is long gone could possibly be around, especially here inside a game! That would defy logic.' He added and then clears his mind off.

'What is she doing here? Don't tell me it is just for show? And to think that she even let this guy see her… it is disturbing.' The Guild Master thought as he turns his gaze to Kyle that is somehow disturbed by what he just saw.

The woman then stares at the Guild Master that is currently staring at her and smirks at him then in a flash disappears from their sight.

When Kyle took a last look back to where he saw her, she is nowhere to be found, making him think positively that his Dive Gear is definitely broken since he thinks that it might be caused by an error of some sort.

On the other hand, Luca hasn't seen what the two guys had, since Kyle's wide back blocks her view inside the dungeon and half of her attention is at the Guild Master and the moment she took a peek inside the dungeon behind Kyle, she saw nothing out of the norm.

"Are you two done daydreaming?" Luca asked behind Kyle.

"If so, then let's get this show started." She added.

Meanwhile, the woman who appears inside the dungeon didn't actually disappear and flee from the place, she is just there watching the people who are about to make stupid decisions in their lives unnoticed, waiting for the fun to start.

"Yeah, give me a good show all of you." She said and a floating window appears on her side. On it is some sort of commands that are waiting to be run by her, and then at the bottom part of the window is an [Activate] button.

The woman pressed it and grins cynically.