About the Horrifying Plan of Fate

The odd spiel confused even Dorothy.

"Ma-Master. I said something weird!" Dorothy immediately called out to his master.

"It might be because you are bound to my soul. Not to mention that power I had to draw if to make up those lies about the Relational Superiority might be connected to it.

"Is your Lord Kyros associated with the famously bizarre Time God, Calaminus?"

"... I don't know. But if that weirdness is affecting you, then he should be somehow... Anyway! How long do these dragons have since they are about to die?" Martha asked. She was constantly discussing the plans with the three Hs. 

"Not too long. In fact, I don't think they can survive after this battle at all! If turning into a lesser dragon gave them a few weeks of life unless they consumed and easy more, they would die. But now that they have assumed this form, they will definitely die."

"Even if they eat us?"