About the Toughness of Dragons

Dorothy began to talk about the power of the True Darkness that Separates and talked about the ages long forgotten in order to explain the power of darkness that engulfed his heart.

"And so I had no choice but to fight and devour that son of Kyriachos. He was a Saint-level warrior just like me. With my ability in Dark Consumer, I risked it all and ate his darkness. That power was the purest darkness that even I could not contain, and my soul was sent into the lost realm called the Separated Realm. And because me soul was sent, my body acted on instincts and continued to struggle to survive. But there, I managed to harness it!" Dorothy's voice turned to that of great pride.

"Behold the darkness that I wield! This was the power that Martha showed where she survived your attacks!"

It was then that powerful darkness appeared and covered Martha.

The potent energy of Dorothy was lost in the cold darkness that covered her.