For the Human Kingdom!

Martha activated haste and jumped following the movements of the dracanae ghouls and was using her incredible strength and with the increased speed that [Haste] granted her.

She was flying above and drew her bow and shot an arrow.

[Gravity Field] was activated, and the orc archers and magis felt a sudden heaviness from the attack and panicked.

The magi and the archers were panicking and were reshuffling their ranks as they were having a hard time shooting and aiming, and even before they could reform the ranks, Martha landed.

The orcs tried to react, but the added gravity made them move a split second slower.

[Death Ripple activated.]

The powerful curse that attacked the soul of those nearby caused these experienced orcs to move much slower and made them lose their focus.

Martha was standing amidst slow, vulnerable, and suffering orcs who could not concentrate.