For Fate and Destiny to Fight

The appearance of human knights and the terrifying attack of the Champion was the final straw for these brave knights.

The peculiar circumstance was not to their advantage. They could not see clearly, and the smoke and herbs that were supposed to save them didn't seem to work. Moreover, they were being killed and attacked by powerful forces, and now an army of humans appeared.

This was a Champion, after all! In the Lowlands, most Champions are Earls and controls a personal force of roughly five hundred men. If the army bestows more, then it could easily go over the thousands!

Most of the orcs couldn't understand English, but the word 'Champion' was something they naturally were familiar with.

Grugnyr also shouted that a Champion Paladin was among the enemies that attacked them!

Gregory had charged in with his ghouls. And at the back, the last to move was Mechiel.